For Logan- Easton Cowan

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"Easton, it's gonna be okay," Elliot cooed, holding her boyfriend, Easton. They had just received the news that a former London Knights player had passed from pancreatic cancer, and Easton was devastated. He had looked up to Logan as a young kid.

"I know, but it still hurts," Easton mumbled into her shoulder. The two had been crying all evening, as Logan meant so much to both of them.

"I talked to your coach, and they're planning on doing something for him on Friday when you guys play in Windsor," Elliot spoke up after a minute.

"Will you come with me? I need you there," Easton looked up. Elliot nodded, kissing her boyfriend.

      "Of course Easton. Anything for you. I'll be with you every step of the way"


     Easton had gotten Elliot front row tickets, near the visitors bench. Ever since they got the news of Logan Hunters passing, Easton has been relying on Elliot, as she was his rock and foundation in the sport he loved. She was always there at the home games, and would come to some away games when he didn't want to be alone. So here she was, the youngest and the newest athletic trainer of the London Knights. She hadn't told Easton, but this was her debut. As the London Knights skated onto the ice, it took Easton a solid minute to realize that his girlfriend was on the bench, wearing a jacket that said 'Athletic Trainer' on the back. He did a double take, and sprinted from one end on the arena to the benches.

     You're our new trainer?" He asked excitedly.

     "Yeah! Like I said, I'll always be with you babe," Elliot smiled at her boyfriend. He hopped onto the bench and kissed her, not caring who saw. He loved her so much.

After the game.

     "Let's go boys!" Sam Dickinson yelled as the entered the locker room. The Knights had just won against the Windsor Spitfires 5-1, and Easton had gotten a goal and an assist. Currently, he had a point streak of 20 games with one or more points in a row. As they got changed and exited to locker room, Eastons eyes scanned the hallway, and caught glimpse of his girlfriend waiting for him. He walked over and hugged her tightly.

       "Why didn't you tell me you applied for the position?"

      "I wanted to surprise you. I know you've been down since Logan's death, so I thought I could do what I love and be close to you," she smiled, kissing his cheek.

       "Babe, I think you missed," Easton pointed to his lips, causing Elliot to laugh. She kissed his lips.

       "Wanna go get dinner to celebrate a 20 point game streak? It's on me," Elliot asked, playing with a piece of Easton's hair that fell in front of his face.

       "Sure, but I'm not letting you pay. Plus, some of the guys are going to Boston Pizza in Windsor." Easton replied, grabbing her hand and walked out towards the door, and to where his truck was. As he threw his hockey bag in the bed of his truck, he popped into the drivers seat and interlocked his hand with Elliot's, letting it rest on her thigh. As they parked into the local Boston Pizza, Easton hopped out and opened the passenger door, helping Elliot down.

      "Thank you," she smiled. Easton kissed her cheek, hold her hand, walking into the restaurant.

      "Hi there! A table for how many?" A waitress asked the young couple.

       "I'm here with a group of guys from the London Knights," Easton explained to the waitress.

      "Oh yes! They just sat down. I'll bring you to them," the waitress motioned for them to follow her, and led them towards the room with the other guys. As they sat down, Elliot sat next to Carlee, Landon Sims girlfriend. As the two struck up a conversation, the guys were in their own little world, talking about hockey. As the food came, Elliot snapped a picture of the meal, posting it to her story.



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As they ate, Carlee and Elliot were talking about what they wanted to do after highschool.

      "Well, I applied to Western, and got in!" Carlee exclaimed, Elliot congratulating her and giving her a hug. Carlee asked her what she wanted to do.

      "Well, I have no idea. I'm currently working as an athletic trainer for the Knights, so I might be with them for a bit before starting university." Elliot shrugged.

        "Wait, that was you who Easton kissed on the bench?" Carlee asked, shocked. Elliot nodded, blushing at the way her best friend gaped at her. Elliot explained how she met Easton and when they started dating.

       "So now you get to travel with him and be with him all the time? Thats. So. Freaking. ADORABLE." Carlee giggled, getting the whole tables attention towards her.

      "Carlee, what are you on babe?" Landon jokingly asked his girlfriend.

       "Jealousy on Easton and Elliot's love story," she giggled again, leaning into Landon, causing the whole table to laugh.

       "Wait, hold on a minute. Easton has a girlfriend?" Sam piped up from the other side of the table.

       "Well no shit Sherlock. What do you think k Elliot's here for? The shits and giggles?" Easton deadpanned, causing the table to crack out into laughter. Easton kissed Elliot on the cheek, and the whole table 'awe'd'

      "Save it for the bedroom Cowan," Denver managed to get through his fit of giggles, causing Elliot and Carlee to fall out of their chairs in laughter. Easton helped his girlfriend up, putting an arm around her waist, bringing her chair closer to his. This is what she enjoyed most: being around friends and people she loved.

all my prayers are going to the Hunter family, as they mourn the lost of a loved one. Logan Hunter passed away at the age of 39, due to pancreatic cancer. Fly high Logan 🕊️💔

WC: 957

Also double updates yall!!!!

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