"I HATE YOU AND YOUR GUTS"- Cole Sillinger

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Okay, so quick clarification:

-This is before Tate met Nathan (read my Nathan MacKinnon story to understand)

-Cole and Tate dated till she found out Cole was cheating on her.

-in this scenario, she goes to a Calgary flames vs Colorado avalanche game and meets Nathan there

     "Babe, I'm home!" Tate yelled through her shared apartment with her boyfriend of almost 2 years, Cole Sillinger. It was their 2 year anniversary tomorrow, and Tate wanted to make plans with him to celebrate. When she didn't hear anything, she called his name again.

     "Cole? Where are you?" She called for him, walking into the kitchen. As she walked towards the bedroom, she heard moans. But it wasn't Cole moaning.

     It was someone else.

       As she opened the door, she saw Cole having sex with another girl. As she turned away from the door, she grabbed all of her belongings from the living room and kitchen.

      "Tate, please let me explain," Cole came out of the bedroom, hair messy, and sweats put on, and he scrambled to get the words out.

      "No! I don't care what you have to say, but sorry won't cut it!" Tate shouted back at Cole, who had his mouth open.

      "Tate, I-I don't know what I was thinking."

      "Well, you clearly weren't thinking. I HATE YOU AND YOUR GUTS COLE SILLINGER!" Tate screamed. "We're done." She stated, before getting all her stuff and slamming the front door. Walking to her car, she put her stuff in the back. Getting into the drivers seat, she drove to the beach, where Cole and Tate had their first date. As she got out, she popped her trunk, and sat in the back with a blanket. Staring at the sunset, she turned off her phone, so she could be at peace and alone. She hasn't noticed how much time went by until a car came to a stop. She recognized the vehicle, knowing it was Adam Fantilli's car.

    "Tate! I've been so worried about you! What's wrong? Why aren't you picking up anyone's phone calls?" He shouted. He immediately shut up after seeing Tates tear stained face. He immediately went over and hugged the distraught girl.

     "He cheated on me. He cheated on me during our whole relationship. And right before our two year anniversary too," Tate sobbed into Adam's shoulder. Adam just sat there, and listened to Tate ramble. He knew that the best thing for her right now was for someone to listen.

      "I'm so sorry Tate. He should have never done that. If you need to talk to someone, you have me, Luca, Elvis, Johnny, Nick, Alexandre. We're all here for you, and you don't deserve him," Adam whisperer into her ear. Tate smiled up at him.

      "This is why you're my favourite Fantilli, Adam." Tate mumbled into his shoulder

      "Oh, don't tell Luca that. He'll have a fit," Adam replied, causing Tate to laugh. Adam smiled, knowing that he finally got his best friend to laugh.

Three weeks later

     "Here comes your Calgary Flames!" The crowd cheered as loudly as they could when the flames came onto the ice. As she watched the Avalanche skate out, her eyes lingered on number 29, MacKinnon.  This was the first time Tate was out it public since her break up with Cole, and she had cut her hair short. Since then, she's written a song called "greedy" and she was gonna release it tonight. She thought that maybe she would end up with someone shortly after today, but she pushed that thought down, and focused on the game.

Second Period

    "And we have a superstar in the building. Pleasssseeeeeeee welcome, Calgary born singer-songwriter Tate McRae!" The crowd went wild as her face was now on the Jumbotron. She smiled, waving at the camera. The camera stayed on her for about a minute, so Tate kept that smile on for the whole time. As soon as the camera panned off of her, she sighed, knowing full well that Cole would have seen her. She relaxed back into her seat, and enjoyed the rest of the second period.

After the Game

"Tate!" Tate turned around to see a figure jogging up to her. When he stopped, she realized it was Nathan MacKinnon.

"Hi,"she sighed, running her hands through her short-ish hair.

"Hey. Adam told me what happened to you, and I want to say I'm sorry," Nathan said, heavily breathing though his sentence.

"It's not your fault Nate," she smiled at the hockey player, to which she blushed when he returned it.

"Could I get your number, and maybe take you out to dinner sometime this or next week?" He asked, obviously nervous that she'll say no.

"Sure. Here, you can just punch yours in," she replied, handing him her phone as he punched his number in. Smiling as he returned it back, he bid her goodbye.

"See you soon Tate!" He called out, making her blush.

"See you Nate!" She reciprocated back to him, causing both of them to blush wildly. As she watched the boy walk away, she sighed, pulling out her phone to message him.

Nathan, Tate

Hey :)
I'll see you tomorrow then?

Haha yep! Wanna go get coffee at 10 tomorrow morning?

Nothing more I would enjoy
Other than being in your presence ;)

I'll pick you up tomorrow then
Night Tate 🫶🏼

Night Nate 🫶🏼

Tate changed Nathan's name to 'Nate 🫶🏼'
Nate changed Tate's name to 'Tater Tot 🥔'

Tater Tot 🥔
Really Nate?
Tater tot?

Nate 🫶🏼
I love your name
And I love tater tots 🤷🏼‍♀️
Soooo, do you still want to go on that date?

Tater Tot 🥔
You're unbelievable
But I guess I'll still go on a date with you
Nator Gator

Tater Tot 🥔  changed Nate's 🫶🏼  name to 'Nator Gator 🐊'

Nator Gator 🐊
This is ridiculous
Tate, really?
Nator Gator?

Tater Tot 🥔
I love you name
And I love gators?

Nator Gator 🐊

Tater Tot🥔

Have fun lovesssssssssss

The way I was today years old when I found out they dated 🤗

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