Pre Game Feud-Trent Frederic

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"Trent, what has gotten into you?" Mallory questioned her boyfriend of 3 years, Trent. Recently, he's been cold and short with her.

"Nothing," Trent just shrugged, walking to the kitchen to grab lunch. Mallory walked over, and turned him around.

"You've been so short and cold with me, what is up?"

"Well babe, I'm 6'1, so I haven't been 'short' with you whatsoever," he grinned.

"Wow, real smooth buddy," dragging the 'e'. He cackled, grabbing the sandwich meat from the fridge.

       "I got you front row tickets to tonight's game, and I got a reservation to that new restaurant you want to try," Trent spoke up after a minute, not looking up from making his sandwich.

       "You think that's gonna make me happy? I just want to know what's up with you!? You've been distant from me and I don't like it," tears brimmed her eyes. Trent looked up, his face softening at the sight of her face. He put down his sandwich and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her hair.

"I'm sorry I've been so cold with you. It's just, I'm so busy with practice, and my coach is getting to my brain he lied straight through his teeth, which he hated doing to her. But this was meant to be a surprise. He had everything ready; the ring, the reservation, everything was in place.

End of game
Mallory's POV

Trent had beat the Carolina Hurricanes 5-1, and Trent had gotten a hat trick. I cheered as loud as possible, banging on the glass. Trent came right up to me, blowing me a kiss. I blush, and the fans go wild. As I gather my stuff, I head towards the dressing room. After waiting for a bit, I see Trent walk out. I smile, hugging him. He hugs me back, kissing the top of my head. As we walk out hugging each other, he helps me get into his truck (I feel like all hockey players have trucks) and we went to the new restaurant, Olive Garden. It was located on the waterside of Boston, so it was extra special. But when we pulled up, there seemed to be no guests there. I thought nothing of it, but focused on having dinner with the love of my life. As we stepped out, we walked around to the back, where there was an adorable picnic set up. But what I didn't see was the sign that said 'MARRY ME'. As we walked around to face it, I gasped. I turned around to see Trent on one knee, holding a ring.

       "Mallory, I know I've been off, but it was super hard to keep this secret in. I always see you in my future whenever someone asks me, and I wanna make that true. So will you, Mallory Ava Chara, make me the happiest man in Boston and marry me?"

      "Oh my gosh, of course! A million times yes!" I throw my hands around his neck and kiss him. He laughs, slipping the ring onto my left hand.

      "Don't worry, I know how traditional your dad was, so I asked him first." Trent smiled at me, and I hugged him again. He took my hand, admiring the s ring.

      "I did that. I actually did that," he looked between me and my outstretched hand, smiling like an idiot. I laughed, kissing him.

      "Yes, you sure did. And I'm glad about it."

FOR MY POOKIE urmomissilly

Sorry this took so long


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