"Please don't start making out in front of me." Leo whined and Chase and I smirked "Anyway Chase I need your help. The annual Mission Creek Robot Throw down is coming up."

"Leo for the last time: I am not a robot. I'm a man." Chase said and Leo just looked at him. Chase started to rephrase his sentence "One day I'll be a man."

"I'm not talking about you. It's a competition where remote controlled robots fight to the death! Here take a look." Chase and I watched as a video came on with robots fighting each other. It all looked so pointless to me so I just stayed quiet and watched.

"Leo that's cool and all but I've got way better things to do than-"

Leo cut him off "The grand prize is five hundred dollars."

"And I'm in."

I looked down at the screen and saw some dude on it "Who's that guy?" I asked.

Leo looked defeated "Kevin Stone. That smug jerk wins every year. He thinks he's so much better than me!"

"Sounds like he is better than you." Chase said.

"It's not the point!" Leo said and I couldn't help but smirk "So I was thinking..."

"That the two of us teamed up and built a robot together we could take Kevin down! That's a great idea, we'll make the perfect team! I'm an amazing engineer, a brilliant designer, and the most intelligent person on the planet and you are the guy who picked me." Chase said. Do you see what I mean about the gloating???

Chase turned to me "What about you Katie?"

"What about me?"

"You wanna help us build the robot?" Leo asked.

I started laughing "You're kidding right? Sorry but me plus building a robot equals you no chance of winning. I'll just watch during the competition." I kissed Chase before heading upstairs to find Bree. Kaitlyn wanted to come over again for some reason and Bree asked me to hang out with them.

"Bye guys. Have fun!" I waved.


Holy mother of everything that's good in the world. Why did I have to endure hanging out with her? I don't see why Bree likes hanging out with Kaitlyn. She's so annoying and hyper all the time. Plus she gets these random scenarios in her head and gets really aggressive.

I sighed as I went down to the lab to find Chase and Leo building there robot "Hey guys. How's the robot coming along?" Chase was tightening a bolt and when he was done he wrapped and arm around me.

"Great!" Chase said and turned to Leo "What do you think?"

"This is awesome! Now all it needs are laser cannons, flame throwers and satellite radio to pump up the jams." Leo said and did a little dance.

"Leo this is why you always lose to Kevin," Chase reminded him "You rely on flash when you should focus more on speed and stability."

"Gotcha," Leo said "So where do you want the flame throwers?"

Davenport ran in when he saw what was going on. I swear it was like a kid who saw a magical unicorn fly "Ooooh are you guys working on a combat robot?!"

"Yup! We're getting ready for the big Robot Throw Down!"

"Mind if I take a look?" Davenport asked.

"Sure Chase replied and handed the screw driver to him.

Davenport checked out the robot "Alright. Very impressive. Yeah, it looks like you are on to something here. Can I make one small suggestion though?" Chase nodded "Let me join your team. I made a fortune making stuff like this and if I'm on your team you are guaranteed to win."

Lab Rats: Season 2Where stories live. Discover now