Chapter 8: Caught

Start from the beginning

I smile at my internal thought and consider saying it out loud, but Matteo beats me to speaking first.

"Stay here." If I get demanded to do a dog command one more time I might freak.

"Say that again." I grunt, trying to stand up. My confidence is shriveled up when I am unsuccessful in standing.

"Please, stay here." He gives me an apologetic look and I sigh. I admit defeat.

"You're lucky you're my friend. Tell Xavier I still want my water, please." I can't get up so I sink back to the floor, pretending I didn't mean to get up.

He nods before locking the door from the inside, and then sort of slamming the door shut again.

Well how's Xavier supposed to give me my beverage now? If I die from thirst my ghost will haunt this very room.

Mock my words.

After my minute of processing I crawl back around to the desk and pick up my tools, shoving them back into the lock hole.

I will be a lock smith, I cannot be stopped.


My hands freeze. I release the pins from my grasp and they stay in the lock, sticking straight out.

I carefully back away from the desk and wrap my fingers around the handle before tugging it. The door slides open.

"Ha!" I shout, feeling proud of the skills I knew I had. Never doubted myself for a second.

I peer into the drawer and find multiple folders with papers sticking out. The corner of a picture is sticking out and I eye the blue sky that I can see.

A loud knock on the door has me giving myself whiplash. I shut the drawer, pulling the bent paper clips and hair pin out.

"Hang on!" I shout. I begin to crawl towards the door on my hands and knees all while keeping the stupid, massive boot off the ground.

Matteo will pay. My hands are you going to get dirty.

I crawl all the way to the door, unlock it and open it to see Xavier with a glass of water in his hand. Only he's looking at where I should be if I were standing.

He looks down and his eyes widen before taking on a dark glare. "What the fuck are you doing on the floor?"

"I couldn't get up," I state.

He shakes his head, entering the office. He closes the door behind him and I sit there, watching him walk to the coffee shop table.

He sets the glass down before turning to me. "Why didn't you ask who it was before you opened the door? Always check."

He practically scolds me. He says it like it's a well known fact. I'm in an office in the back of a bar with intimidating men out front, I didn't think I should be afraid.

"I will next time, promise." I smile, showing off my teeth.

I love my teeth, I had to use a retainer for several months just to perfect my bottom teeth.

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