Chapter 2: Interrogation

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❀ Anneliese ❀

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I get home later than usual. It is colder at night than it is during the day. The ice on the sidewalk made it hard to walk without slipping.

I fell a total of three times. Doesn't sound like a lot, but it definitely hurt. My tail bone, elbow, and ankle can testify.

I laid on the ground for a good ten minutes when I landed on my tailbone, smacking my elbow on the way down.

My ankle suffered only five minutes later. It was tragic. I just laid in the snow so my ankle grew cold.

It was a lose-win, because now I don't have to ice it.

I cried for a while, too. Watching my breath flow up and then spread out before disappearing was quite fascinating. Once I start crying it takes a while for me to stop. The thoughts just invade and then it never ends.

Now that I'm back home my tears have dried up, leaving my face sort of crusty from tear icicles. Not real icicles, but it definitely felt like it.

My house key jiggles in the door knob before the door abruptly opens. Anthony's blood shot eyes stare back at me.

He hasn't slept. I feel relieved to know he hasn't been drinking.

He scoffs, turning away to walk back towards the living room, not the den where I found him this morning. "Thought I was getting robbed." He scoffs.

I laugh awkwardly, coming inside as if this is my first time. "Nope, just me." The warmth of the house hits me, but it feels distant.

My attempt to smile disappears when he turns to look at me over his shoulder. The look of disgust has me wishing I could shrink up.

I want my mom.

Remembering my mom makes me stand taller, my shoulders back. She wasn't someone who would back down to some who belittles her.

But I'm not her.

"You know better than to speak to me like I'm an equal. Go hide under your sheets and cry for the attention you don't get, brat." He turns away.

I don't see where he goes due to the tears that fog my vision. I stumble into my room, letting out the sob I was holding.

I pull on my pj's and shove my feet into a fuzzy, pink pair of socks before shuffling over to my bed.

Pulling my blanket off my bed I wrap myself up in it before climbing into bed. I hide under the blanket, not the sheets.

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