Chapter 1: Regulars

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❀ Anneliese ❀

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       I wanted to sleep in five more minutes, but the front door slamming shut made me decide against extra sleep.

I can't help, but groan as I roll of bed. I do that little stretch where your bones shake. I stretch till I hear my back pop.

I brush my the tangles from my hair in the bathroom before turning to the shower. I pull the lever to the center, in between 'C' and 'H'.

After my shower I get dressed in a long sleeve, white t-shirt, and my finest pair of overalls. I pair the outfit with my golden heart pendant that hangs above the center of my chest, and my small gold bracelet.

I usually don't take off my jewelry, but I do when I shower or swim.

I always get scared because one time my necklace turned green in primary school because I went swimming and never took it off.

I check the time on my phone. I'm running late.

I grab a pair of light pink socks from my drawer and pick up the scuffed up white shoes by my bedroom door.

These shoes have been through it.

"Bye Mom," I kiss the picture frame of me and my mom that sits on my dresser. "see you later."

I make it half way down the stairs with my socks already on. On the last step I stuff my feet into the shoes, lacing them up.

Straight ahead is the family room, but I call it the den. Den always makes me think of bunnies.

Lying on the couch is Anthony, my dad's younger brother. He's not a fan of me being here.

It's because I'm a bad reminder.

I'm not sure what I remind him of, but I know it's nothing that makes him smile with happiness.

I don't know my dad, he's never been in my life. I could walk past an old man and he could be my dad and I wouldn't know.

Not super old, maybe 47. I'd still suspect him to be a little gray.

When do you grow grey hair? I think gray hair on women is a power move.

I slip out the front door quietly. I've mastered closing doors quietly.

I even got this game where I wait till the microwave gets ready to turn zero, then I open it so it doesn't beep. I'm pretty good at it. Although it was more something I used to do when I was younger.

I leave my car keys inside, not needing them. My brakes are a little screechy right now, so I prefer to not use my car while it's icy out.

I used to have a bike, but it got stolen, so I walk to work now. For now.

A random thought told me Anthony sold my bike, but I burry those thoughts. I remember waking up one night and watching a man grab it from the porch.

I can't help but feel guilty for thinking he'd sell it.

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