CHAPTER 37 - Shifting Alliances

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          "You look a bit tired, Rei."

Reinae glared at Mila from across the table.

          "Mind your business," she muttered, resting her head on the table. Two months of very regular, very active nights started to catch up on her.

          "I guess that means things are going well with... the guy?" her friend asked cheerfully, winking at her.

But Rei didn't find her question amusing, especially since Jasper and Aiden's expressions darkened.

          "There's a guy?" Aiden asked, his voice deep with protectiveness.

          "There's no guy," Rei said, throwing another glare at Mila, who apologetically smiled. "I just haven't been sleeping well, so I'm tired. That's all."

Aiden didn't seem convinced, but he let it go, while Jasper knew Rei wasn't entirely truthful. What she said wasn't a lie. She wasn't sleeping, but for a change, it wasn't because of nightmares, but because of Levi. They had a simple, straightforward relationship. They fucked. That was all. They acted exactly the same during the day as they always did, bickering, ignoring each other, even fighting, but when night fell, one of them ended up knocking on the other's door. They never slept in the same bed. Never talked. Levi learned his lesson and never made another intimate gesture. A line was drawn, and neither of them crossed it.

But what Rei failed to mention were those lingering feelings that kept reminding her of their existence. When they lock glances across the Mess Hall. When she laughs at something and finds him staring, a faint hint of a smile around his eyes. When they fuck, and she gets so lost in him, their eyes saying so many unspoken things, their hearts crossing so many lines they've drawn. Or when they finish and she lays beside him a little longer every time, a part of her wishing she could fall asleep right next to him.

Jasper stood up, leaving the table with half of his meal still on his plate.

          "Where are you going?" Rei asked, raising her head.

          "There's... something I need to do," Jasper replied, leaving without even looking at her.

Rei's brows furrowed in confusion. He had been acting a little distant for months, but she didn't think much of it. It was winter, and the nights were longer. More darkness meant more unpleasant memories from the past, and Rei knew she wasn't the only one struggling with them.

She was sipping her coffee when a cadet she'd never seen before stopped next to her table.

          "Reinae Agnar?" she asked, looking at Rei. "You were called to Commander Smith's office."

Rei rolled her eyes in annoyance, looking at the full plate she hadn't gotten the chance to touch.

          "Trouble?" Aiden asked, his mouth full of eggs.

          "I don't think so. But he really has impeccable timing," Rei complained, stuffing some of her breakfast into her mouth before following the girl.

They walked in silence, but Rei noticed the curious glances the girl threw at her. She didn't mind it at first, but each time she felt her stare, she got more annoyed.

          "Am I that interesting to look at?"

The sudden sound of Rei's cold voice made the girl flinch.

          "N-no," she quickly replied. "I mean... You're interesting, but not in a bad way- I mean, I just... wanted to ask you something."

Rei only raised her eyebrows at her as they turned to the hallway where Erwin's office was.

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