CHAPTER 10 - Of National Heroes and Germophobes

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Word quickly spread out about the three newcomers and their surprising skills. When Rei, Jasper, and Aiden joined dinner in the Mess Hall, whispers about their ODM management surrounded them like wildfire. Everyone talked about Jasper's incredible speed and cooperative abilities, Aiden's raw strength that led him to destroy all Titan dolls in the forest as he cut their napes so deeply their whole heads fell off, and Rei's almost dance-like fighting style with incredibly accurate precision in her attacks.

However, the main topic of conversation that evening was Rei's sparring with Levi. Three tables around the one Levi and the rest of the squad leaders sat at were empty as everyone chose to keep their distance from his murderous frown.

Rei, Jasper, and Aiden sat at an empty table in the corner of the Mess Hall, watching their full plates in awe.

          "Considering scouts are thought of as Titan food, they sure feed them well," Jasper murmured while Aiden dug into warm, tasty food.

          "I won't complain," Rei said, grabbing her spoon. Two figures stopped by their table before she could finish chewing her fist bite.

She looked up to meet the shockingly round and big eyes of a girl resembling a doll. She stood beside Rei, looking at her with excitement and admiration. She had shoulder-length strawberry-blonde curls clumsily braided into two braids and eyes as blue as the sky. Her heart-shaped lips were forming a smile so wide it made her look like she was glowing.

          "Can we sit here?" she asked with a cheerful voice, already sitting down next to Rei.

The other figure, a tall, lean man with dark brown hair and equally dark eyes, sat opposite Rei, giving them a sour smile, seemingly apologizing for the intrusion. Rei glanced from one to the other.

          "Do we know you?" she asked, showing her displeasure at their arrival.

          "No," the girl shrugged happily and dug into her food.

Rei looked at Jasper, who only shrugged, while Aiden didn't even notice someone joined them, entirely occupied by his meal.

          "I'm Teodor Wolf," the man said, offering Rei his hand, which she reluctantly took. "And this is Mila- "

          "Mila Fischer," the girl interrupted with her mouth full of stew. "We joined the scouts two months ago."

Rei waited for them to continue, to explain why they were bothering them, but they only munched on their food.

          "Do you want something?" she finally asked, voice annoyed.

Mila only looked at her with those big blue eyes, tilting her head as if not understanding the question.

          "No?" she replied. "You threw a fistful of dirt into Captain Levi's face. You're a national hero. So I'll be your friend."

Aiden choked on his food. Jasper couldn't help but burst out laughing.

          "A national hero," he repeated, his shoulder shaking from laughing. Rei shot him a glare that only made him laugh harder. Aiden also struggled to swallow his food through his laughter.

          "It's true," Mila said, shrugging. "He's really annoying. Whenever I cross paths with him, I somehow end up on cleaning duty," she complained, frowning towards Levi's table.

          "That's because you don't know when to shut up," Teodor chimed in.

          "The only safe way to act around Captain Shortpants is to pretend you don't exist, and even then, you'll end up scrubbing the Mess Hall," Mila said. This time, it was Rei who choked on her food at Mila's remark on Levi's height.

          "I wish I would dare to throw dirt into his face," Mila sighed. "How did you know he's a germophobe?"

Jasper, Aiden, and Rei exchanged looks, and both men burst out laughing so hard that half of the mess hall turned toward them. Rei bit her lip, restraining her laughter.

          "Is he, now," she said, taking another bite of her food.

          "Be careful, though," Teodor said seriously. "Having Captain Levi as an enemy isn't something you want."

Rei smirked and looked towards the table where the black-haired man sat. And when she saw him staring daggers at her, her smirk grew into a grin. She winked at him and enjoyed seeing his blood boil from the other side of the room.

          "I think it's too late for that," she chirped. "At least I won't be bored."

While Mila's mouth opened in awe, Teodor raised his eyebrows, thinking Rei was crazy.

          "It's your suicide," he muttered and continued eating his food.

          "Whose suicide?"

The whole table twitched at the sound of Hange's excited voice. Rei turned to see her and Miche standing behind her.

          "How's your shoulder?" Rei asked Miche instead of answering Hange.

          "It's seen better days," Miche replied, smirking down at her. To Rei's surprise, she returned her smile without forcing it.

          "So, are you some sort of an anomaly or something?" Hange asked, squishing herself between Mila and Rei on the bench.

          "Sorry?" Rei asked with raised eyebrows.

          "You sent Levi flying across the ring," Hange explained, scanning her face and body. "Were you experimented on as a kid? Did you eat something special?"

          "Hange... "Miche sighed, palming his forehead.

          "Well, there has to be something," Hange said, leaning closer to Rei's face while she slowly backed away from the weird woman.

Rei shrugged and stood up, taking her plate with her.

          "Maybe he's just not that strong," she stated simply.

Hange's mouth fell agape. She then thoughtfully looked into the ceiling of the Mess Hall as if thinking about Rei's answer. She then turned back to her, shaking her head.

          "No, that's not it. Can I do some tests on you? Please?" she asked with big puppy eyes.

Aiden scoffed, and Jasper snickered. Rei only looked at Miche, who apologetically shook his head.

          "I think I prefer being a mystery," she replied, making Hange frown. The squad leader then smiled widely.

          "I hope you end up on my squad," she said. Rei could already see that would be a nightmare.

          "Come on," she said to Jasper and Aiden, and they started walking towards the gate of the Mess Hall.

          "What the- Are you sniffing me?!" Aiden exclaimed as they passed Miche, but the tall man just smirked to himself and winked at Rei.

          "I'll see you tomorrow at training!" Mila shouted after the leaving group, waving excitedly.

Weird people, Rei thought to herself as they left.

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