The pain of my wolf

Start from the beginning


A shudder ran through my body.

No way, I shook my head. There's no way.


'Dear Mom, life is too weird. I can't even explain what happened today. I almost got killed... Again,' I pressed send and turned to look at Eris. I moved us both to the bed and she has finally fallen asleep.

I didn't step outside the room. I don't know why I'm listening to such a terrifying person but he was so stern about it that I can't bring myself to go against his orders.

I looked back at my phone

'I survived because of my boss, but I don't know what's going to happen now. I'm too afraid to go out and look at the body in our lounge.' I pressed send again and wondered what to do.

Should I call the police? But won't they take me in for murder? I'm the one living here-

My thoughts were put to a halt when I heard the sound of subtle footsteps.


The night was quiet and the soft sound of people in the house got me on high alert. It scared me, I had no idea what was happening. Who had come and what they were doing here.

I heard the sound of whispers. But they were too low for me to understand what was happening.

I glanced at Eris, she was still sound asleep with her hand clutching my shirt.

I wanted to get up and see but then Azef's words repeated in my mind.

'Don't leave this room until morning.'

I laid back down.

He didn't tell me anything about it but I wondered if the people in the lounge were sent by him. I glanced at the door. The knob was no longer there so I couldn't lock it but no one made any attempt to even get close to the bedroom door.

All I could do was pray and hope that whoever was outside, meant no harm to me and Eris.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around Eris.

I hope when morning comes, it's all okay



I coughed in the bathroom of my house, the blood dyed the sink red as my breathing got ragged. My lungs seemed to burn but more than that, it felt like my soul was on fire.

It was difficult to catch my breath. I had to focus on it. Let it out slowly while trying not to cough.

I looked up from the sink and stared at myself in the mirror. I looked pathetic with the trails of blood streaming down my mouth but at the same time I felt I was going to get my answer.

I let out a sarcastic snicker. The tap was on and it carried the blood with it into the drain.

I let out soft breaths, slowly letting my breathing stabilize as the coughing fit finally seemed to be over. I gulped, washed the sink even though I felt a little dizzy. Then walked out of the bathroom.



I wasn't expecting Matthew, the Alpha of our pack, to be standing in my room with a concerned expression. He noticed the blood stain in the corner of my mouth, "What is happening?" He eyed me suspiciously

"Nothing," I shook my head at him, "Nothing's wrong Matt,"

"Don't lie to me," He stepped closer to me


"Nothing is wrong," I lied to him, "At least nothing that I'm aware of," I mixed the truth in. I still wasn't sure what was happening to me. I simply had a theory but with no proof attached.

"Why is there blood on your mouth?" He pointed in the corner of my mouth.

"Not mine," I lied and quickly removed the stain with my sleeve. I should stay at a distance from him so that he doesn't smell the blood. It won't even take him a second to notice that the blood is indeed mine.

"Did you kill someone tonight?" That was the logical question to ask after my statement.

"I did," I didn't lie about that. I can't lie about everything if I need to get away with it.

"Why?" He folded his arms, "And who?" I know he's not bossing me around. He's just worried. He must have heard me coughing in the bathroom.

"Someone," I walked past him, "No one will miss. Just a scumbag that needed to be eradicated."

"Azef," He called my name to stop me, "I'm not just your Alpha," I looked back at him, "I'm also your brother,"


"Don't worry about it Matt," I maintained the distance between us, "It really isn't anything for you to worry about." I did not want to burden him with useless stuff. It was my problem. I should take care of it.

He already has his hands full with the company and our newly established wolf pack.

"Isn't your rut coming soon?" He asked, "Is it because of that?"


"Yea," I lied, "It's becoming more painful for my wolf to be without a mate."

"Do you feel your wolf?" His question made my heart sting.

"It's always there Matt," I replied, "He just doesn't talk to me." My wolf went quiet the day my mate died. I rarely ever felt a connection with it yet I knew it was there because I never had any problem shifting.

"Right..." He felt guilty about asking something sensitive. The atmosphere got awkward, and honestly, neither of us had any idea how to fix tension like this. So I just walked to my bed.

"You should get some sleep." I told him, "You're going on a long business trip soon."

"Yea..." Matthew didn't pester me about my problem, even though I'm sure he must have caught on that I wasn't being honest with him, "Night," He left the room and closed the door behind him.

I laid down on the bed. Spent a few minutes with my thoughts then got my phone out and dialed a number.

The other party picked up right away, "Hello?"

"Are you done cleaning up the place?"

"Yes Beta,"

"Be sure to incinerate the body."

"As you wish,"

"Don't disturb the girls in the room."

"We haven't,"

"Good," I nodded, "Leave quietly."

"Of course,"

I was about to hang up when something flashed in my mind, "Oh! Wait,"


"I need you to fix something,"

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