Chapter 20: The War is Finally Over

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We had to swim to the other side of the river since the bridge was destroyed. When we got there, we all fell to our knees in front of Aslan.

Aslan: Rise. Kings and Queens of Narnia.

All the Pevensies stood up, leaving me and Caspian.

Aslan: All of you.

Caspian: I don't not think I'm ready.

Aslan: It is for that very reason I know you are.

Caspian rose which leaves me still on my knees.

Aslan: Emily?

Me: Am I really worthy of that title? I mean I told you, I'm just an ordinary girl.

Aslan: You fought bravely in the battle and you were able to bring hope to all the Narnians through your talents. These things make you extraordinary. Aside from that, I think you have won the heart of our King Edmund The Just.

Everyone looked at Edmund with smirks in their faces. I was about to stand up when I ended up falling again on the ground. I guess I was too weak from the wound and too tired from using my powers. Edmund helped me sit on a log nearby and saw that the wound was still bleeding too much.

Edmund: Lu....

Lucy went to me and brought out a bottle.

Lucy: This is a healing cordial. It can heal you wound.

She asked me to open my mouth and dropped some of the cordial. Next thing I knew, the wound was no longer there.

Me: Thanks.

We were all quiet for awhile when we heard a melancholic tune being played. Then we saw a group of mice carrying a stretcher and on the stretcher was the mouse Reepicheep. Lucy ran towards him and dropped some cordial in his mouth. He gasped for air and then started regaining consciousness. 

Reepicheep: Oh thank you, Your Majesty.

His fellow mice helped him up from the stretcher. 

Reepicheep: Ah, hail, Aslan! It is a great honor to be-

When he bowed down he suddenly lost his  balance and realized that he lost his tail.

Reepicheep: I am completely out of countenance. I must crave your indulgence for this unseemly fashion.

He then turns to Lucy.

Reepicheep: Perhaps a drop more?

Lucy: I don't think it does that.

Reepicheep: We could have a go.

Aslan: It becomes you well, little one.

Reepicheep: All the same great King, I regret that I must withdraw for a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse.

Aslan: Perhaps you think too much of your honor, friend.

Reepicheep: Well It's not just the honor. It's also great for balance and climbing and grabbing things.

Then all the other mice brought out their swords and held it to their tails.

Peepikeep: May it please Your High Majesty. We will not bear the shame of wearing a honor denied by our chief. 

Aslan: It is not for your honor but for the love of your people.

Aslan blew at Reepicheep and his tail grew back.

Reepicheep: Oh look! Thank you, thank you, Your Majesty! I will treasure it always!

Everyone laughed and was very happy to see Reepicheep happy.

Aslan: So, where is this Dear Little Friend you've told me so much about?

We all turned our eyes at Trumpkin who was assisting in taking the Telmarines swords. When he saw us, or maybe just Aslan, he knelt in front of Aslan. Aslan roared at him and Trumpkin seemed to be taken aback.

Lucy: Do you see him now?

We all laughed at this.

Peter: C'mon let's help clean up.

Everyone left leaving me still resting on the log. Then I saw Aslan approach me.

Aslan: I am very proud of what you have done during the battle. I would like to know if you would like to learn how to use your powers without getting this tired?

Me: Yes. That would be great.

Aslan: I am glad but the thing is you'll have to stay at Narnia to do so. You will have to learn how to work and be one of your people.

Me: You mean the nymphs and dryads?

Aslan just merely nodded.

Me: Wait so this means that I won't see the Pevensies until they are needed here again?

Aslan: Yes, dear one. But in the end, it's your choice if you want to stay or go back with the Pevensies.

Me: Well, there's nothing waiting for me back home, so I think I can stay. Do you think I should tell them?

Aslan: That would be up to you.

I bowed to him and he left. Then I saw Edmund go towards me.

Edmund: Let's go, Em. We'll be staying at Caspian's castle for now.

Me: Okay.

I took the hand he offered me and we both walked towards the other Pevensies and Caspian.

I made the right decision, right?

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