Chapter 16: Battle Plan

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Days have passed and we received news that Miraz has been crowned King of Telmar. I was sitting on the ledge still thinking about what Aslan said when I heard sound of metal getting louder and louder. I got up and to my surprise, it was the Telmarines. I quickly ran inside to warn Peter and on my way, I ran into Edmund.

Edmund: What's wrong, Em?

Me: The Telmarines! They're here!

Edmund's eyes widened.

Edmund: Quick! Look for Susan and Caspian. I'll look for Peter.

I immediately found Susan and Caspian and we all ran towards the ledge. When we got there, Peter, Edmund and Lucy were all there already. My heart was beating so fast, How are we suppose to defeat them? How are we supposed to win this war? There's just too much of them and they have catapults. I think Edmund figured that I was scared for he took my hand and squeezed it.

*Moments later*

Trumpkin: Cakes and kettledrums! That's your next big plan? Sending two little girls in the deepest part of the forest?

Peter: It's our only chance.

Susan: And they won't be alone.

Okay I know I'm supposed to not let them bring me away from the war. I'm just looking for the best time to speak out what Aslan told me. I must have spaced out because I didn't get to hear what Trumpkin was saying.

Trufflehunter: Nikabrik was my friend too, but he lost hope. Queen Lucy has not and neither have I.

Reepicheep: For Aslan.

Bulgy Bear: For Aslan.

Trumpkin: Then I'll come with you.

Lucy: No, we need you here.

I stood up from where I was seated.

Me: I know you'll disagree but I need to fight in this war.

Edmund: No!

He stood up and went beside me.

Edmund: I won't let you.

Peter: I agree with Ed. It isn't safe for you.

Me: Please just listen. Aslan told me to fight.

Lucy: Wait you saw Aslan?

Me: Yes, in a dream and he told me to fight.

Edmund: No, I won't let you. Please Peter don't agree with her.

Peter: If Aslan told her that she needs to fight, then I think we have to let her.

Edmund sighed and looked at me. I walked close to him and took both his hands.

Me: I know you're worried about me but you have to trust me, trust in Aslan. He must know what he is doing.

Edmund: Fine. But promise me you'll be careful.

Me: I promise.

I smiled and gave him a quick hug.

Caspian: If I may. Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer but as king he would want to stick to traditions. I have something in mind that may buy us some time.

Caspian suggested that Peter and Miraz will have a one-on-one combat for the throne.

Peter: If it will buy us time then let us do it.

It was later on decided that Edmund with Glenstorm the centaur and a giant will bring the message to Miraz in the morning. We spent the rest of the night preparing for the war.

It was finally morning and I was walking around the How when I saw Edmund getting ready to leave. I walked towards him.

Me: Hey.

Edmund turned around.

Edmund: Oh hey.

Me: Please be careful.

At this I went closer to him and hugged him.

Me: And don't do anything stupid.

Edmund: Don't worry. I'm king here.

Me: A young king facing and older king. I'm scared that they might do something to you.

Edmund: Hey, you don't have to be scared. Glenstorm will be with me and that Giant. I doubt that they have seen a giant before and they wouldn't want tonmess with one if it's protecting the king. I'm in good hands.

I hugged him and just stayed like that for awhile until Peter entered the room.

Peter: Sorry to break the moment but it's time.

Edmund nodded and hugged me one more time before leaving. Oh I hope this works.

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