Chapter 7: Aslan??

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Susan: I don't remember this way.

We have been walking for hours nonstop and I feel like we're lost based on what everyone looked like. Even Peter, who was leading us, seemed unsure of where he was going. I looked at Edmund with a worried look and he just shrugged.

Peter: That's the matter with girls, they can't keep a map in their heads.

Lucy: Because our heads actually has something in them

One thing I admire about Lucy is how she manages to lighten up the mood when everyone seems down.

Me: Maybe we should have listened to the DLF?

Edmund: DLF?

Edmund who was walking on top of the rocks, looked down at me with a confused look. At the same time. he held out his hand which I took and helped me up the rocks with him.

Lucy: Dear Little Friend.

We all laughed for a while but stopped when Trumpkin talked.

Trumpkin: Well that's not patronizing now, is it?

We came to a halt waiting for Peter to direct us to where we're going.

Peter: Well we're not lost.

Trumpkin: No, you're just going the wrong way.

Peter: You last saw Prince Caspian in the Shuddering Woods and the quickest way there is through the River Rush.

Trumpkin: Unless I'm mistaken there is no crossing in that path.

Peter: That's it then, you're mistaken.

Me: Maybe you should listen to him. I mean it has been a hundred years since you've been here. A lot can change during those times.

Peter: The last time I checked I'm king not you nor him. You have no right to take side because you don't know anything.

Edmund: Peter, stop it!

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! This isn't the Peter I know! That Peter was kind, caring and sweet. This Peter is different; he's arrogant, proud and self-centered. Anger was bubbling inside me and I need to let it out.

Me: Yes, I know that you are king but honestly, you are not acting like one! It's true that I don't know anything but you did not have to slap it on my face like that!

Tears started forming in my eyes and I just saw Peter look at me with a disappointed face before turning his back and continued walking. Lucy and Susan looked at me and both mouthed 'sorry' to me before following Peter. I felt Edmund put his hands on my shoulders and turned me to face him. I had my head down because I didn't want him to see me like this. He placed his fingers under my chin and gently lifted my head so that I can look at him. I was looking once again into those eyes that I loved so much and tears just started falling down my cheeks.

Edmund: Hey, hey. It's okay. Peter has no excuse for what he did and he shouldn't have said that. Don't worry, I'll always be there to defend you, okay? Don't forget that.

Me: Thank you, Ed. I'm so sorry you had to see me like this.

Edmund: It's fine. C'mon let's catch up with the others.

Edmund took my hand and we caught up with the rest. Usually he would let go of my hand if his Siblings are around, but this time he didn't let go. After more walking, we reached a cliff and below the cliff was a river.

Susan: You see after a hundred years the soil erodes and-

Peter: Oh shut up!

Edmund: Is there another way down?

Trumpkin: Yes, falling.

I tried my best not to laugh because that was a funny question to ask.

Trumpkin: There's a ford in Beruna, What do you feel about swimming?

Susan: Better that than walking.

Me: I agree.

Peter shot me a look and Ed went in front of me and glared at his brother. I squeezed his hand to tell him it's okay and good thing he got the message. We were about to leave when we heard Lucy speak.

Lucy: Aslan? It's Aslan! Look he's right over.... there.

Trumpkin: Do you see him now?

Lucy: I'm not crazy! He was there and he wants us to follow him.

Peter: Are you sure there aren't any other lions in the forest, just like that bear?

Lucy: I think I'd know Aslan when I see him.

Edmund: The last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid.

Trumpkin: Look, I am not about to jump off a cliff for someone who does not exist.

Peter: Why wouldn't I have seen him?

Lucy: Maybe because you weren't looking.

Peter: I'm sorry, Lu.

The three eldest went ahead while Ed and I waited for Lucy. Lucy looked at us and we gestured our heads to the others. I walked beside Lucy and wrapped an arm around her.

Lucy: You also think I'm crazy, do you?

Me: No. I believe that you saw Aslan.

Lucy: Are you just saying that to make me feel better?

Me: No, if you said you saw him, then you saw him. I don't think you would lie about any of that. Plus, I wish I could meet Aslan someday.

Lucy: Thank you, Emily!

Lucy smiled at me and walked ahead. Edmund took my hand again and gave it a squeeze.

Edmund: Thank you for that, Em. I know that it meant a lot to her.

Me: I also like what you did back there. It seems like you really learned from your past experiences.

Edmund: I sure did, Plus, I want to keep this family together especially now that Peter is failling to do so.

I smiled at him and we continued to walk hand in hand.

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