Chapter 21: Coronation and Celebrations

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Caspian's castle is amazing. It's not as grand as Cair Paravel but it's still amazing. Things have been pretty busy preparing  for the coronation tomorrow.  Can you imagine? Me? As in Ordinary Emily will become a Queen of Narnia? Isn't that amazing? The thing is, I have to get used to the whole no doing stuff like helping clean the castle, cook, wash dishes and these stuff  Kings and Queens aren't supposed to do. Believe me, I have been scolded by the lady in waiting assigned to me multiple times. She had to make Edmund watch over me. Not that I'm complaining about it cause I get to spend more time with Edmund before... they leave Narnia. I know everything and everyone should be happy but the thought of not seeing the Pevensies for who knows how long makes me really upset. I was dwelling in my thoughts too much that I didn't realize that someone was knocking on my door. Now I am back to reality.

Me: Oh.... sorry. Who is it?

??: It's your one and only.

Me: I'm sorry I don't know anyone named Your One And Only.

??: Alright, it's me Edmud.

Me: Hahaha! I knew that.

I stood up from my chair and opened the door.

Me: Hey.

Edmund: Hey. Can I come in?

Me: Sure. So what brings you here?

Edmund: Nothing. I just wanted to see you. So, are you ready for tomorrow?

Me: I'm actually exited for tomorrow but at the same time I feel nervous. Is that normal?

Edmund: Don't worry. I also felt that way when I was crowned King of Narnia. I'm sure you'll do great.

Me: Thanks. Look, I'm pretty tried. I can't believe I spent almost two hours just getting fitted for my dress! And that was tiring.

Edmund: Hahaha! You'll get used to it. Okay I'll be going so you can rest. Goodnight, My Queen.

Me: I'm not queen yet but sure you can call me that.

We both laughed while heading to the door. I opened the door and Edmund went outside.

Me: Goodnight, My King.

Edmund: I love you.

Me: I love you too.

I watched as Edmund walked down the corridors and closed the door. Oh I'm going to miss him so much. Okay, let's just think about tomorrow and then let's think about the staying in Narnia. I laid down on my bed and as soon as my head hit my pillow, I immediately  fell asleep.

*The Next Day*

I was awakened by the sound of knocking from my door. When I opened, I saw that it was my lady in waiting, Heather.

Heather: Time to get ready, ma'am

I got up my bed and washed up. When I went out of the bathroom, I saw Heather straightening  my dress on my bed.

Heather: C'mon, miss. I'll help you wear your dress.

She motioned me to go step on a stool and she started putting the dress on me. How many layers of clothing am I wearing?

A few hours have passed and Heather and a few more maids finished fixing me up.

Heather: Okay, miss. Follow me.

I followed her outside my room and she led me towards a large door.

Heather: Now just wait here. Good luck, miss.

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