Chapter 8: Revelations

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We reached the place called Beruna but something didn't look right. There were men everywhere and they were building a bridge and catapults. We hid behind a pile of logs and examined the people. I think these are the Telmarines. Then we heard something come near where we are hiding and saw a man on a horse. We had to duck lower so we wouldn't be seen and thanks to the very small place, I got into another akward position with Edmund. Our faces were so close to each other and we almost kissed! I looked down so that I can hide my blushing face from him. After staying like that, the others finally started leaving one by one and Edmund helped me up. It was a quiet walk back to the gorge.

Peter: So where did you think you saw Aslan?

Lucy: I wish you would all stop acting like grown ups! I didn't think I saw him... I did see him.

She walked a way from where she was standing and moved to another part of the cliff. As she was walking, Trumpkin said something that I think made my day.

Trumpkin: I am a grown up.

I tried my best to stop myself from laughing and I could see that Edmund was doing the same.

Lucy: He was right over....

Lucy's talking voice was replaced with a scream and next thing I knew, she wasn't where she was standing awhile ago. We ran toward where she stood and saw that the ground she was stepping on fell and brought her along with it. Thankfully she was safely sitting on the ground which turned out to be a path going down the gorge.

Lucy: .... here.

One by one we got down and started following the path and Lucy was now leading us. By now, I thought I was getting used to this long dress but I was wrong. I would find myself slipping on rocks because it's a little bit hard to see where you are stepping with this dress. Edmund, who was behind me, had to hold me by the waist the whole time to keep me stable. Not that I'm complaining about it, I actually felt safer.

After hours of walking, we finally decided to stop for it was already getting dark. Us girls looked for something to ear while the boys looked for wood for the fire. After eating, we all decided to go to bed. That night I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a walk. I stopped by a stream and started wondering about the reason why I'm here. I mean the Pevensies were meant to fullfil a prophecy that's why they found this place. The out of nowhere, a lion showed up. I didn't know what to do. I tried screaming for help but nothing came out of my mouth.

Lion: Don't be afraid, child. I won't hurt you.

Me: Aslan?

He nodded.

Aslan: You must be wondering why you're here. You might not have realized it yet but you have a big role in the Pevensies mission to save Narnia. Another thing, you are gifted with a special ability. You can control the four elements.

Me: I'm sorry, sir but I think you got the wrong person. I'm just a normal girl and just like what Peter said: I don't know anything.

Aslan: Don't let what other people say to you affect you. What the High King is experiencing right now will soon pass. Come now, why don't you try out your power?

Me: Sure, but how do I do that?

Aslan: Just focus.

I did what Aslan said and focused on the water in the stream. With on motion of my hands, I was able to make a blob of water float above my hands. I was so happy with that I was able to do and I looked at Aslan and saw that he was smiling at me. I started playing with the water and making it shape into different animals. I looked up to look Aslan but he wasn't there anymore. I continued playing with the water until I heard someone talk.

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