CHAPTER 1 : Another World

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Eirian trudged on through the darkness, but stopped abruptly.

She slowly lifted her pale face to the starry sky, allowing the moonlight to spill over her ravishing figure.

Despite all her beauty, her lips contorted into a maniacal smile and she broke out into hysterical laughter.

All was suddenly silent again. Her eyes slowly turned to look into the trees.

She was, after all, far from any form of society and had not expected to meet any other humans in the middle of nowhere.

The bushes rustled as a large giant came into the dim light. Or rather, a half-giant.

"Er- sorry 'bout that." the man said as he stepped forward.

"Well, c' mon 'arpy!" the man then called to an owl, which flew up from a nearby tree and landed on his thick shoulder.

He took a letter from its beak and handed it to a slightly startled Eirian.
"' arpy's too scared of you, ain't ya?" the man stroked the bird.

Seeing as the girl was staring at him like a fish on land, he encouraged her, "Well, open it!"

She examined the cover of the letter.

Miss Eirianel Onyx
Lost - Dering Woods

"The letter's got it wrong. We're in the Amazon - and who are you, sir?" Eirian spoke.

" O', where're my manners?" the man straightened up and continued, "Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at 'ogwarts.
Yer must've bin' caught in the ol' witch's curse. Make you all groggy and confused. It ain't called The Screamin' Forest for no reason, now is it?"

Eirian remembered now that she had entered knowing all of this on her own accord and frowned at her own stupidity. The curse had indeed gotten her.

She nodded and read the contents of the letter. To sum it all up, she had been accepted to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and needed to get supplies if she wanted to attend.

She knew of the existence of the Wizarding World, seeing as she had been involved in the World in her younger youth and later saw and heard many things as she traveled and sold her wares, but she never dug any further, because she thought she was a muggle and knew of the dangers that drifted in the other world.

Harpy, the owl, hooted on Hagrid's shoulder. "Well, c'mon then. We ain't got all day!" Hagrid turned around and started making his way through the trees. Eirian looked around nervously and finally decided to follow the stranger, rather than staying in the haunted woods alone for any longer.

"So, I can use magic?" Eirian asked after they had walked for a while. She liked to be sure.

" 'course! Yer a witch, Eirian!" he assured her enthusiastically.

They came to a clearing as the sun started rising and day came. Eirian reluctantly got onto the motorcycle with Hagrid and they sped off into the sky, trying to get out of view before the darkness had completely disappeared.

Eirian's stomach lurched at the height and the impossible situation she found herself in. Magic :it was wonderful, but terrifying! Not to mention how illogical it was.

She faced her fear and looked down and accepted her horrid thoughts, while resisting the urge to seek safety, even though her hands were abnormally sweaty and threatening to slip.

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