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Hey, guys! You should check out the trailer above! It's for The Last Ever After. Tell me what you think of it! :D

Here's yet ANOTHER update! Friday and all, I hope you enjoy this!


Tedros paced, mindless, unable to sleep as he waited for Trix's report. She did come, two hours later, with a solemn expression. "No sight of her. She doesn't want to be found." Tedros fixed his gaze around the tent as she laid a soft hand on his shoulder. "There was nothing you could do, Teddy."

He pulled away from her. Her eyes widened before she composed herself. "I'm going to find her," he said quietly. Beatrix frowned.

"We can't risk losing you, Teddy. You need to meet the teachers and stay here."

"Agatha is more important than my own safety," he said quietly, not looking at her. "Beatrix, can you stop standing so close?"

Beatrix flushed and smiled. "Anything for you, Teddy." She moved across the room, watching him like a predator stalking prey. All their first year she'd tried to get him, but he'd been obsessed with that horrid Sophie. And now Agatha was gone too. She inhaled the scent of his hair, the musky cologne --

"Then I leave now." He pulled his sword of of its scabbard, Exalibur glinting in the weak light of a lamp. "The Endless Woods are perilous. So I need Hester to come with me."

"Why not me?" Trix asked innocently. She walked closer, tight shirt showing off more than he needed to see. "Come on, Teddy, I can help you find her."

Tedros avoided her eyes. "I need Hester."

Beatrix sighed. "Teddy -- fine, you leave me with no choice."

He smiled at her, still dashing despite his worry. He stretched out a hand and grasped hers. "I won't forget this, Trix," he promised. "Where's Hester?"

"Go outside and take a right," she said reluctantly. He slid his sword back, tightened his boots, and reached out a hand to move the fold of the tent away --

Beatrix lunged forwards and shot a stun spell at him; he fell instantly. She held out her hands and caught him. Tedros lay slumped in her hands just as Hester burst in, demon ready to attack. "I sensed a stun spell -- " she said uncertainly.

"You must have been mistaken. Only thing here is an exhausted Prince." Beatrix waved Hester off. "I'll carry him to his bed."

"How's the search for Agatha going?"

Beatrix smiled. "I think we're getting closer to finding her." Inside, she sighed. She'd led them for weeks, but the moment Agatha came everyone was so concerned about her.

"Good." Hester turned and said, "Has he offered to go look for her?"

Beatrix shook her head. "You know how boys can be," she said. Hester narrowed her eyes at the sleeping Prince.

"All the same... I don't like it; he's resting while his true love is in the Woods. Trix, let's go." She gestured for the girl to follow her out the tent. Beatrix smiled, concealing her surprise.

"Go where?"

"Go to the Woods. For some reason, all of the scouts are still here. We'll look together."

Beatrix shook her head. "Hester, I have to look after Tedros. When he wakes up I'll be right behind you."

Hester exhaled slowly. "Okay. Dovey's been worried, though. She says Sophie and the School Master's visit can't be too far away." She turned and left.

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