To Be Alone

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Sophie picked at her dinner. She just wasn't feeling hungry today. For some reason, the cucumbers were tasting dry.

The School Master sat across from her. He wasn't eating. In fact, he never ate. Apparently, he prefered to watch her instead.

She cleared her throat. "Um, sweetie..." Darling... Sugar... she didn't know what to call him. The silver hair reminded her of cats, and his unnerving — that is to say, attractively unnerving — black eyes made her think of predator stalking prey. It didn't help that the blood on his face, from a recent conquest (that was how she prefered to think of a deceased from the hands of her beloved) from a small Good town dotted his face, which she quickly reminded herself only enhanced the beauty of it. "I'm not very hungry today."

"That's good," he smiled. Sophie was confused for a second before he added, "I've captured a fairy. You can help me interoggate her; she won't be expecting you to show up." 

What he left unsaid was that she'll think you're Good. Sophie tried to swallow, but every time she was in a situation like this, she was unable to think of anything to say. "Okay," she managed.

"Oh, and Sophie?" she turned, and almost fell back to see him standing right there. "I like your outfit. It's so... fitting. But maybe try something more innocent while you go down to the dungeons?"

Sophie nodded. "Sure."

He reached out, grazing her cheek. She felt a fluttering in her chest. "You're so beautiful, Sophie."

"I know," she whispered back.

He laughed. "Go, now, darling, and I'll see you later," the School Master said. 

Sophie rose on the tips of her toes and kissed his cheek, trying, desperately aching for the warm glow she'd feel... but she felt nothing. It'll come soon, she thought to herself.

The robe she was wearing was completely black, which suited her fine. As she pulled on the pink dress, Sophie felt a twinge of regret of what never could be. 

Memories filled her head. Agatha... Galvadon... the School's... Tedros... and a lighter life. A false life, she reminded herself. She wasn't Good. She was Evil.

But all those days spent with Agatha, were they nothing? Yes, they were. Agatha had chosen a prince over her. Her, who had spent her whole life with Agatha! She was filled with a hatred so deep at Agatha that Sophie's face darkened, and her fingers morphed to claws. 

Sophie took a shuddering breath. She'd forget Agatha. It was for the best. 

She looked at the pairs of glass shoes that lined the walls. She hadn't worn one in so long.

She hesitated, and then walked over, taking two shoes. Sophie spoke aloud in the darkness. "Sure, I'll wear them! Why not?"

Nobody replied to her. That was the very problem. She was supposed to love the School Master, but in reality, most times she was in suffocating silence. Sophie felt alone.

I need Agatha. Agatha, who really understood her! Who took time to know her, who talked to her on long walks to the lake. Agatha, who was more important than life itself! Agatha, who had -

Who had chosen Tedros; she had chosen her prince. 

Sophie glowered in the mirror. Yes, Agatha would love this, wouldn't she? She'd love to see Sophie crawling towards her, seeking attention! Well, Sophie had news for her. She didn't need Agatha! She had the School Master, and that was enough.


Sophie walked down the dirty dungeon, holding the lamp. "Hello? Anyone down here?" She lifted a glass slipper daintily. This would be the last time she wore these! They were now covered in sludge, and stuck to the ground.

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