Tedros Makes A Wish (+ Bonus Section)

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(This bonus excerpt was an idea from @witheredstars, who I'm dedicating this chapter to. <3 Check @witheredstar's profile out, it's great!)

Tedros stared out into the distance, mind whirling as he tried to find a way into the Woods. However, after several hours - then days - of cutting, hacking, and burning his way through temporarily, the branches came back, angrier than ever. He had to admit it - there was no way for him to get through.

That didn't stop him from trying. Tedros continued to slash the dummy with his sword, imagining that it was Sophie. It turned into common practice for the past week for him to attack the dummy.


The sound of steel ringing against wood was heard all over the village; people watched as he attacked the dummy relentlessly, sweat dripping off of him.

Agatha peeked her head past the door to watch him wipe his forehead, pausing. The sword hung loosely in his hand, golden hair shining as though the sun itself was lighting it up. Tedros paused, hearing a creak. He whirled around, sword poised to kill -

Agatha gaped at him, eyes wide.

Finally, she found her voice. "You've been practicing," she croaked, wetting her dry lips. Tedros lowered Excalibur, smiling wryly. The sun exploded onto him in that moment as he shifted, lighting up his high cheekbones and slender arms. For a moment, she was speechless as she stared at her prince.

Then he spoke. "Yes. Want to stay in shape."

"You - " she lost her breath as he stepped closer, eyes glinting with an emotion she couldn't identify. Was it regret? Surprise? "You don't need to stay in shape," she breathed. Agatha's breath hitched as he leaned closer.

"Agatha, my love, my life..." He dropped to one knee. "Will you be my princess for the Ball?"

As she batted away tears and laughed, Tedros made a wish. That no matter what would happen, one day he'd bring his princess to the finest Ball in the Woods. That everything would work out and he'd have his Ever After with Agatha.

He sheathed Excalibur and pressed his lips onto Agatha's right hand gently. Her pale white skin glowed with health. "I need to tell you something."

Agatha looked at him, waiting, as he stumbled over words that he needed to tell. "I lied about - " he choked out.

Now she was visibly worried. Agatha stepped back from him as she heard the word 'lie'. "Yes?" she bit out, the happiness of the earlier moment gone.

Now it was too late; she was already looking at him in hurt. "Sophie... Sophie never came to the Woods. I made that up."

First confusion, then -

A quiet "But..." from his true love... and after that, a dawning realization.

"Then - " Agatha stammered. "You t-t-t-told me, you said that you were meeting with the Elders because of her threat, then w-w-why - "

Tedros looked away as she realized the truth. "You wanted to attack her? You wanted to bring the fight to her?"

Tedros reached for her, standing up, but it was in vain. She stumbled away from him. "You said that you wanted to stay in G-G-Galvadon, that you wanted peace!"

"Peace isn't hiding out here!" he flared. "Peace is attacking and destroying the witch! Peace is fighting that girl and her love until they're both dead! Only then will there be real peace!"

Agatha stared at him, heart crumbling into a thousand tiny pieces. "You... you always planned this."

Tedros' heart sank as he realized what he'd said. "Aggie - "

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