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"And I make light of the darkness, I've got sun in my motherfucking pocket best believe"
• Speak of the devil •

Classes were over.

Now the real torture begins.

I put on some black cargos and a full sleeve all black top and paid it with converse and pulled my hair up in a high ponytail, if I'm accompanying deatheaters I'll probably be given a cloak and mask so I didn't bother with anything else.

I grabbed my wand and hugged Cleo goodbye who told me repeatedly to be careful.

I'll be with Reg and Draco so safety is no problem, the problem is not messing up and staying away from Tom which harder than it sounds in my head, there will probably be other deatheaters so I have to keep a low profile.

God knows what shit I'll be asked to do. I've never seen them work in person but I've heard it's horrible.

No turning back now.

I stepped out into the common room where another deatheater was waiting.

All these escorts were getting annoying.

I took his hand and we apparated to the manor. Back again.

I was greeted my aunt Narcissa who quickly took me up to my room where aunt Bellatrix was waiting. This woman scared me, but she wasn't as bad as people said, just a little messed up in the brain, but if she cares for you she really can be sweet.

She smiled widely with her crooked ugly teeth, I wouldn't be surprised if she was related to Voldemort.

"How are you dear? Have you been eating? You look so frail, you should eat more." She said and I smiled.

"I'm so proud of you dear." She continued "look at you now, all grown up, accompanying your brother and cousin in carrying out tasks, such honor, I know you will do great dear." Honor, right.

I nodded and aunt Narcissa brought out a cloak and a mask and my face paled.

I thought about this moment several times but I never imagined it would be so scary. I could see my reflection on the mask, it looked vile, this wasn't me, it was as anything but me. It held a dark auto that whispered terrible thoughts of blood.

I had no choice.

I forced a smile and they helped me put it on. The cloak was long and covered me basically from shoulder to toe, the mask covered me from neck and up.

The two sisters looked at me, one held pride, the other grief.

I myself looked at in the mirror to feel stunned,  it was as if they were spelled to hold darkness themselves. I felt cold even though it was quite warm, I felt empty, I didn't like this but it wasn't like any of this was by choice.

I stepped out of my room and down the stairs, followed by those two, to see two other masked figures at the bottom of the stair case. They turned their heads to acknowledge my presence. It was Draco and Reg. Even with masks on I could tell the sheer horror in their eyes and faces. They stood frozen simply staring at me. I could understand their shock and grief.

I simply looked down, feeling disappointed in myself even though I wasn't responsible in the slightest.

Without any exchange of words, we walked outside the gates of the manor to be met with the chilling atmosphere surrounding the place. The full sky and misty surroundings set the scene perfectly for the horrors I was going to witness today.

Reg put his hand out for me to take and we apparated to our destination.

Many people hate apparating, they say it makes them sick, I guess I'm just used to it so it doesn't affect me other than a slight tingling sensation in my stomach.

I opened my eyes to see an open field. The grass was dull and brown, there weren't many flowers or other plants nearby other than some trees with leaves with broken branches scattered. Twigs and acorns littered the narrow winding road in the middle of the dead meadow. I noticed a small hut which the road led to. It was small but looked comfortable and homey, smoke escaped from the small chimney at the top of the roof. There was a small well beside the hut. The image was simple yet beautiful, it looked like something out of a painting.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see reg, his mask was in his hand and so was Draco's. I was happy to take mine off too. They both looked concerned. A gentle breeze blew by, playing with their hair.

"That house you see over there? It belongs to a woman and her family." Said Reg, pointing to the hut.

"She lives with her father, husband and children. She and her father, are pureblood, her husband on the other hand, is a muggle. They have two sons, one eight and the other four, both half bloods, but due to their father not possessing any magic, are considered an insult." I nodded.

"Our task, is to capture her and father and her along with their sons, and kill their father." His voice held grief but I could tell by his eyes it had to be done and he was used to it.

"What will they do with them?" I asked.

"The father is old so I'm not sure. The woman will probably be tortured for being a blood traitor and then killed. The sons will be kept in horrible conditions and trained and tortured to be deatheaters and if they fail, will be killed."

My stomach flipped hearing all that. Those children will lose all the family they have and be treated terribly until they're killed.

"B-But the children, they don't have to be handed over." I tried to come up with anything to help but I knew the answer.

"They know they exist, even if they don't, Tom will check up on everything, one step out of line, and the punishments will be brutal, for us and for the children." Reg's voice didn't hold much emotion. He was used to it after all, he did it every day.

Of course Tom was in charge of this. I always knew he was heartless and vile, but I never thought he would be this bad, I'm one to talk, I are know him, but from what I do know, is that he's the devil, you can't turn away from him, disrespect him, disobey him, or stand up to him. Whatever he does, he makes sure it's on top and nothing can change that.

And speak of the devil,


Writing this at 2am


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