Everything seemed fine at first. He saw Courtney at her desk, apparently asleep, and sighed in relief. 

"Oh, thank God." Shayne put his hand over his heart, as if trying to calm it. "Jesus, Courtney; what happened to the door?" He walked over to her and shook her shoulder. "Time to wake up." 

Courtney didn't wake up. Instead, she flopped down onto the floor, unblinking eyes staring straight into Shayne's soul. He screamed and stumbled backward, just as Ian ran out of Matt's office, gagging. They ran into each other, effectively scaring the daylights out of each other. 

"Matt's dead!" Ian shouted. "All-- all of his screens are shattered, except for one." 

"Courtney's dead, too." Shayne's voice trembled with fear and sadness. "You said his screens were smashed?" 

"All but one. It say 'Play me' on it."

Hurriedly, the dozen or so of you scurried into Matt's office. You subconsciously told yourself not to look at Matt, but your eyes wandered to him as soon as you were in his office. His body was crumpled into a corner, facing the wall. You could, however, tell that his neck was sitting at an unnatural angle. 

"Do we play it?" You asked, choking back tears. 

"I think we should call the police," Anthony said. His hand found his way to Ian's shoulder and squeezed. 

"No, no. Let's think about this: who's strong enough to overpower two-- maybe even more-- people, break a thick glass door, and not get caught?" 

Her name flowed through the minds of the inhabitants of the room as if it were the scent of a freshly baked pie in a cartoon. 

Courtney Freakin' Miller. 

"What, do you think-- do you think she did this?" Keith asked. 

"I don't know. Maybe. Just watch the video first. Maybe it's from her. Or the assailant." Chosen looked down at Matt, grimacing. "Shame. I hear his editing skills were impressive." 

You looked down at his desk and saw that his mouse was right in front of you. Hesitantly, you placed your hand on it and navigated the cursor to the 'play' icon on the screen. You were never so unsure of a click in your entire life. 

Courtney Freakin' Millers face flooded the screen. She was standing in Matt's office, as the background showed. 

"I knew it," Chosen whispered as Courtney took a deep breath and began to speak (shout?).

"Aye!" Her brash voice cut through the silence in the room like a hot knife into butter. "I hope you're paying attention, losers, 'cause this is important! I got a message for you, SMOSH. Or, should I say, SMASH?

"I want your company. I wanted to turn SMOSH into JOSH, but nobody liked my jokes-- stupid deadbeats-- so I'm gonna make SMASH, a channel focusing on me being the strongest, most strong Courtney Miller. And we've fought about your channel before. Oh yeah... I threw Courtney Fakin' Miller all over your building, and I flattened Matt Duran into a wall with the sheer density of my abs, and then we chugged a bunch of Gatorade. I had lots of fun proving I was better than you clowns. And I'm willing to do it again. 

Here, she paused, looking down on the corner of the room. You knew what she was looking at immediately.

"Hey, speaking of Matt Duran, I killed him! I got him, I got that ugly, blonde bitch who thinks she's me; I got that lady who never made Shayne Turd laugh once; I got that Dwayne Johnson wannabe; I got that emo funeral guy, and I got that loud-ass Italian woman. And I ain't done yet! Not at all!"

Noah sniffed behind you. He wasn't the only one crying, you realized, noticing that your cheeks were rather damp. 

"I am pilling on killing all of you. Shit Topp. Dingus Hass. Arasha La-Loser. Carrot Palm. Jaqui Uwu. Martin Takahashi. Tevor E-Farts. All of you. Even you, Mike. Yeah, I know what you did. Teaming up with the enemy? And for what? A girl you think is cute-- who, by the way, mildly resembled Prince Phillip right before he died? Well, you're a part of SMOSH now, so here's my offer: Either you come back and I don't kill you, or you stay with those nerds, and I kill you along with them." 

Courtney paused, paced for a moment with her bottom lip between her teeth, and continued at a volume you didn't know vocal cords could reach.


The video cut off there. A heavy silence filled the small room. The only voice to speak up was Spencer, who had been oddly silent for the duration of the morning. His voice wavered-- it was evident that he had been crying, too. His voice was small, almost timid. It broke your heart just to hear the tone, but the words were purely overkill.

"This is the worst day of my life."

This was kind of long and a bit sad. Sorry bout that :(
Also, in case it wasn't clear, these are the dead people: Matt Duran, Rock, Courtney Miller, Tommy Bowe, and Angela (I don't know how to spell her last name and I'm honestly too tired to care)

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