Chapter 8

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"Okay, Lori, what's going on?" Iris teased, her heart racing with anticipation.

Lori chuckled, enjoying the moment, "You'll find out in just a second."

As Anthony unveiled Iris's eyes, she turned around and her gaze met his, a genuine smile lit up her face. Behind him, Matt and Kieran greeted Lori with friendly waves.

"Surprise," Anthony said softly, his eyes sparkling with a mix of playfulness and sincerity.

Iris blinked, happily taken aback, "Anthony! What are you doing here?"

Anthony grinned, the excitement in his eyes matching hers, "The guys and I were working on my exercises and we saw you guys and decided to say hi."

The next moment, Jon and Zen approached, having concluded their own adventures on the playground.

Jon's eyes lit up with sheer excitement as he saw Anthon, "Anthony! You're here!"

Anthony crouched down to Jon's eye level, mirroring the enthusiasm, "Hey, Jon! How's it going, buddy?"

Jon practically launched himself into a hug with Anthony, and the two shared a warm embrace. Anthony couldn't help but be touched by Jon's genuine affection.

Meanwhile, Zen had been observing the scene with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. As Jon chatted away, Zen's eyes widened when he finally recognized the faces of the MAJIK band members.

"Hold on, Mom, these are the members from MAJIK!" Zen whispered, his voice filled with excitement.

Lori chuckled at Zen's fanboy moment, "It is! Looks like they decided to join our little gathering."

Zen's eyes practically sparkled.

"Oh, wow! This is so cool! I can't believe I'm meeting MAJIK!"

Matt, Issac, and Kieran, enjoying the unexpected encounter with a fan, greeted Zen with friendly waves, "Hey there!" Matt called out.

Kieran added with a grin, "Nice to meet you man!"

Zen, unable to contain his enthusiasm, rushed over to them, "I love your music! 'Eclipsed Harmony' is my favorite song!"

The MAJIK members exchanged amused glances, genuinely touched by Zen's enthusiasm. Anthony, still with Jon by his side, appreciated the genuine excitement on Zen's face.

"Thanks, Zen! We appreciate the support. It's awesome to meet fans like you," Anthony said, extending a hand to Zen.

Zen eagerly shook Anthony's hand, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and delight, "This is the coolest day ever! Can I get your autographs?"

The MAJIK members chuckled, happy to indulge Zen's excitement.

Iris watched in surprise as Anthony, with a playful grin, reached into his pocket and pulled out a marker. She hadn't expected him to carry around autograph material, and the realization added another layer to the mysterious musician she was falling for.

"Sure thing, Zen! I've always got a marker on hand for special occasions," Anthony said, his eyes glinting happily.

Zen beamed with excitement, handing them his frisbee.

"I can't believe this is happening!" Zen exclaimed, his grin stretching from ear to ear.

As Issac, Matt, and Kieran took turns signing Zen's frisbee, Iris couldn't help but feel a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

Lori, noticing Iris's wide-eyed expression, nudged her gently, "Starstruck, huh?"

Iris nodded, a soft smile forming, "It's... unexpected, to say the least. I never thought a day at the park would turn into this."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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