Chapter 3

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Anthony hurriedly entered the clinic, his breath ragged from the recent panic attack. The encounter with the paparazzi had triggered a torrent of anxiety, and he felt a desperate need to regain control.

Dr. Rivera looked up from her desk, concern etched on her face, "Anthony, what happened?"

Anthony slumped into the chair, his hands trembling slightly, "I-I saw them. The paparazzi. I couldn't breathe, and everything just spiraled."

Dr. Rivera nodded understandingly, motioning for him to take deep breaths, "You're safe here, Anthony. Let's take a moment to ground ourselves. Inhale deeply, and exhale slowly."

They practiced a few breathing exercises together, the rhythmic inhales and exhales helping Anthony regain a semblance of composure.

As the panic subsided, he began recounting the harrowing encounter.

"I was just out getting a coffee and I was talking to some people I knew and then I saw the pap outside the window. I saw them hop out of the car and approach the cafe, so I made a run for it."

Dr. Rivera listened attentively, offering a comforting presence, "It's completely understandable that such situations would trigger strong reactions. You've been through a traumatic experience, Anthony."

He nodded, his jaw clenched from how hard he was biting down, fighting the tears that threatened to spill, "I thought I could handle it, you know? But it's like I'm constantly on edge, waiting for the next wave to hit."

Dr. Rivera leaned forward, her expression gentle yet probing, "Anthony, it's crucial for us to explore these triggers and work on strategies to cope with them. Avoidance may provide temporary relief, but ultimately, we want to equip you with tools to face these challenges head-on."

Anthony sighed, the weight of his emotions palpable in the room, "I want to perform again. I want to reclaim my life, but it feels like I'm stuck in this cycle of fear."

Dr. Rivera offered a supportive smile, "Recovery is a journey, and setbacks are a natural part of that process. It's okay to acknowledge your fears, but let's also focus on building resilience. We can adjust our strategies to gradually expose you to these triggers in a controlled manner."

They delved into a discussion about coping mechanisms, gradually creating a plan to navigate future encounters with the paparazzi.

Dr. Rivera emphasized the importance of self-compassion and reminded Anthony that healing was not a linear path.

"Tell me about these people you were with at the cafe."

Anthony looked down at his hands and a small smile grew on his face, "They're names are Iris and Jon, I don't know much about them but they just moved into town a few weeks ago."

"How did you guys meet?"

"Jon's this little kid, he's cheeky. Drew me a picture of this puppy at the diner and gave it to me telling me I looked sad."

Dr. Rivera smiled at the softness appearing on her patient's face as he talked.

"Iris is his mom, she's beautiful but I never noticed a ring on her finger."

The doctor raised an eyebrow at him when she saw his ears turning a shade of red. Interesting, she thought.

They continued to talk until he felt ready to go back outside.

In the coming days, Anthony found himself outside of the studio. He had driven by the college campus where the studio was located and decided it was now. Issac told him this morning that they were going to practice and had hoped he would decide to join them.

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