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Water pours down from the sky as two vans drive down the road. They both carry members of the band MAJIK. In one, two best friends' lives are about to change.

"You know what sounds so good right now? Some of my cousin's vodka pasta that she makes for the holidays." Anthony sets down his sketchbook and just looks at his friend with a small smile, "We just ate 15 minutes ago."

Jax looks at him with a raised eyebrow, "Are you shaming me right now? Last I remembered you're the one who eats more than all of us combined! Let me dream about my pasta."

Anthony chuckles and picks his book back up. He looks out the window and sighs seeing the paparazzi car still following them. "They can't ever just let us relax can they?"

Jax turns around and just shrugs, "Don't let 'em bother you, it's not like they can take a picture of us right now."

Anthony nods and goes back to his drawing and relaxes after a bit.

"Hey Jax can you reach in the back for my pencils?" "Yeah, I got you, small pocket?"


Jax takes off his seatbelt and reaches over the back to grab a pencil, but as he digs through the pocket he sees the paparazzi car speed up next to them.

And out of nowhere, the other driver skids into them in an accident.

The van swerves off the road.

Anthony feels their manager pull him out of the van and lay him away from the smoking car. He closes his eyes and the next he remembers is laying on the ground with a grilling pain in his leg.

He can't move but still manages to look over at his best friend laying on the floor a few feet away from him, unmoving. "J-jax" he croaks out.

He sees from his peripheral his other bandmates rushing over to them. His brother Issac looks at him in a panic, "Fuck Anthony, don't move!"

The other members are over at Jax and he can hear his members crying. "Issac, take me to him! Help him!"

Issac bares his teeth holding back a sob, "A-anthony listen to me okay.. Jax is gone.."

Anthony looks at him distraught and shakes his head, "NO! He's fine! Look I-issac, Issac please!  j-just help him! PLEASE!"

He tries to get up but instead yells out in pain and Issac pushes him back down. Anthony doesn't have the strength to fight back and just lays back down crying in anguish. He passes out from the pain seconds later not before saying his best friend's name one last time.


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