Chapter 7

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After bidding farewell to Anthony, Iris guided Jon through the bedtime routine with the same warmth and patience that defined her role as a mother. She read Jon his favorite bedtime story, tucked him in, and exchanged goodnight hugs and kisses.

As Jon drifted into peaceful slumber, Iris stood by his bedside for a moment, watching over him with a mixture of love and gratitude.

The echoes of the evening's shared moments lingered in her mind, particularly the gentle kiss on her cheek from Anthony.

With Jon safely nestled in dreams, Iris retreated to her own room to prepare for bed. The quietness embraced her as she moved through the familiar motions of winding down. The soft glow of a bedside lamp illuminated the room, casting a tranquil ambiance.

As Iris changed into her comfortable sleepwear, her thoughts drifted to Anthony.

She replayed the moments they had shared—the almost-kiss in the studio, drawing with Jon, the almost-kiss on the porch, and the genuine connection that seemed to be growing between them.

A subtle smile graced her lips as she reflected on the unexpected joy he had brought into their lives.

Yet, amid the warmth of the present, Iris couldn't escape the tendrils of her past. Memories of her brother, the dreams of a Broadway career, and the choices that led her to become a music teacher tugged at the edges of her consciousness.

The journey of sacrifice and resilience that brought her to this point played like a silent melody in her mind.

As she settled into bed, the room embraced her in a cocoon of tranquility.

Iris closed her eyes, allowing her mind to navigate the delicate corridors of her memories. It was in this quiet space that she found herself drifting into a realm where dreams took shape.

Iris found herself in a room bathed in soft moonlight. Anthony laid beside her, his presence enveloping her in a comforting warmth. The air was charged with an unspoken desire, and the world outside seemed to fade away.

Anthony, with an expression of tenderness, reached out to gently brush a strand of hair away from Iris's face. Their eyes met, the room pulsating with intimacy that transcended reality.

Without words, took her lips onto his.

In this dreamworld, where the boundaries between consciousness and imagination blurred, Iris and Anthony found solace in the shared embrace of a quiet night.

The dream offered a sanctuary where the complexities of their pasts and the uncertainties of their futures melted away, leaving only the undeniable truth of connection and shared moments.

The following day, Iris found herself engrossed in a whirlwind of research, determined to learn more about Anthony and the band MAJIK.

She delved into various interviews, articles, and social media profiles, trying to unravel the layers of the enigmatic musician who had become a significant presence in her life.

As she navigated through the sea of information, a particular YouTube video caught her attention—a solo performance by Anthony.

The thumbnail alone hinted at a magnetic stage presence, and Iris's curiosity got the better of her as she clicked on the video.

Anthony started at the mic and his voice was amazing.

The performance unfolded, and Iris found herself captivated by the sheer intensity emanating from Anthony. The lights shut off and then he screamed, "One, Two, Three!"

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