Chapter 5

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The mention of Jax hung heavy in his mind, a reminder of the void left by his best friend. Anthony clenched his jaw, the frustration now mixed with a sense of loss. He took a deep breath, attempting to regain composure.

Anthony stepped out of the rehearsal studio, the cool air providing a momentary respite from the heated exchange inside. The dull ache in his leg served as a harsh reminder of his physical limitations, intensifying the frustration that still lingered within him.

As he walked with a noticeable limp, deep in his thoughts, Anthony found himself on a path that intersected with the very person he least wanted to see him like this—Iris. She noticed his gait immediately, her concern evident in the furrow of her brow.

"Anthony, are you okay?" Iris asked, her voice laced with genuine worry. "What happened to your leg?"

Anthony, his emotions still raw from the confrontation with his bandmates, brushed off her concern.

"I'm fine, Iris. Just leave it."

But Iris, persistent and caring, couldn't let it go, "Anthony, you don't look fine. Please, talk to me. Maybe I can help."

He felt humiliated. He didn't want her to see how weak he was. His frustration reached its tipping point, and he turned to Iris with an intensity that surprised even himself.

"I said I'm fine! Can't you just mind your own business for once?"

Iris recoiled, taken aback by the sudden outburst. The sharpness in Anthony's tone cut through the air, leaving an awkward silence in its wake. Her concern shifted to a mixture of surprise and hurt as she tried to make sense of the unexpected response.

"I... I was just trying to help," Iris stammered, her eyes reflecting a mix of confusion and hurt.

Anthony, realizing the weight of his words, took a deep breath in an attempt to collect himself.

The frustration that had fueled his outburst began to give way to a sense of regret. He ran a hand through his hair, a sign of his inner turmoil.

"Iris, I didn't mean to snap at you," Anthony admitted, his voice softer now, "I appreciate your concern, really. I just need some time to cool off."

Iris, though still hurt, nodded understandingly, "If you ever want to talk or need someone to listen, I'm here."

The tension hung in the air after Anthony's outburst, leaving Iris feeling a mixture of hurt and confusion. As she took a tentative step to continue on her way, Anthony's hand shot out, gently but firmly grasping her wrist.

His eyes bore into hers with a sincerity that softened the edges of his earlier frustration.

"Iris, wait," Anthony said, his voice now filled with a deep sense of remorse, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. It's just been a rough day, and I took it out on you. I didn't mean to."

Iris, still processing the abrupt change in tone, met Anthony's gaze. The intensity of his eyes mirrored a vulnerability that hadn't been there moments ago. She recognized the sincerity in his apology and nodded slowly, a softening of her own expression.

"It's okay, Anthony," she replied, her voice carrying a mix of understanding and forgiveness, "We all have our moments. I just want to help if you'll let me."

Anthony released her wrist, not wanting her to leave without talking. He realized he had to tell her about everything at some point, "I appreciate that. Really. Let's talk later, okay? Meet me at the studio later tonight. We can...figure things out."

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