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The man slammed through one of the house walls,causing the wood to strain and  collapse in on itself,making a cloud of dust poof up into the air.
The girls and guys huddle and stand behind Y/N.
Weiss:"Who is that?!"
Everyone looked at Y/N for the answer but he just shrugged,staring at the smoke.
Y/N:"I though yall would know..."
A few moments pass before a giggle echoed out,the man grunts and sat up,waving the dust and smoke off.
His smile fades as Y/N enters his view,but quickly comes back as he stood up.

Y/N put an arm in front of the oh group.
Y/N:"Who are you,you have 5 seconds."
The man only laughed and patted his chest.
???:"That,my beastly friend,is none of your concern."
He glared at Y/N,making him growl.
Y/N:"Time's up."
He strudded forward.
The cobble pebbles jumped up and clacked at they hit the floor.
Getting louder and louder as Y/N picked up speed.
He opened his arms and swooped down to bear hug the man.

But obviously the man was to confident and experienced to let him get ahold of him.
He squatted down and switched with a mossy street sign.
Y/N hugged the sign and crushed it to dust.
The powder covered his fur and body.
He growled and shook it all off,looking all over for the man.
A foot connected with his cracked snout,causing it to get worse,the rigid cracks expanded over the base,a feather could cause it to snap off.

And the man knew this,why would he attack now?
It was his stoke of luck that Y/N had all these vulnerable spots on himself.
First his snout and then his eye?
Of COURSE he'd take advantage!
Not to mention that those spots were vital.
One bad move and it would be lights out forever.
Y/N put his arms up and kicked the man back,putting space between them.
Everyone was silent as Y/N covered his face,waiting for him to reveal it.

Yang and Neo covered their mouths as he did. That kick made it worse alright.
Pieces were MISSING from his snout.
The holes were big enough to see the inside of his mouth.
???:Wooo clap clap clap score!"
Y/N's single eye was glowing with anger,a bright red shine covering it.
The damage was to much.
Slowly but carefully,he snapped his jaws open,strings of blood tainted saliva connect from each,coating his chin and the ground.

Y/N:"I'll...kill you."
He roars out and scrambled onto all fours,immediately closing in on the man.
The stone path cracked and shook with each step,one crack had grown under the man's leg,catching and keeping him in place.
???:"Ah shi-"
The man went flying,a wave of blood sprays out of his mouth.
His shirt and coat were torn from the impact,a nasty blue and purple covered the entire left side of his body.
But...another appendage was revealed as the man flew,a thick,dark tail...with a sharp,circular end.

The man laughed and laughed as he slowly got up,holding his side.
As blood ran down his lip,his legs threatened to give out so he leaned on his tail.
???:"Well...well well well well wellll...that was surely unexpected hehe."
He looked down at his side and then to
Y/N,who was still staring him down.
His single eye burrowed into the man's skull,waiting for him to move,even a single centimeter would set him off.
They stood there silently,waiting for one another to move.

Ruby broke the silence,running in front of Y/N and glaring at the man.
Ruby:"Who are you,why are you attacking us?!"
The man smacked his teeth and smiled.
???:"Well I was originally here for....you."
He twirled a finger before pointing it at her.
???:"my beautiful queen wants you."
He blushes as he hugged himself.
???:"Buuut...now that I know that you exist."
He points at Y/N.
???:"She'll need to know asap! And I,Tyrian Callows,Shall be the one to inform her!"
He stumbled up and jumps away,latching onto a roof tile and pointing his wrists at her.

Y/N roared out and went berserk,shoving Ruby out of the way and charging out.
The path before him was destroyed.
Tiles were pulled out and grass was ripped to shreds.He clawed his way up the building and snapped his jaws over Tyrian,who narrowly dodged and jumped onto another roof.
Y/N didn't let up though,immediately following him roof after roof.
But Tyrian just kept leading him on and laughed,pointed his gauntlets and shooting a couple rounds.

Another one bites the dust.(Male Grimm King Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now