Well Earned Rest/Tournament pt.2

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No one's POV:
"Oh great,why the hell are you here?"
Y/N scowled at Emerald and got in front of the girls.
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as Mercury came up behind her.
"Ohhh,noodle boy~" Y/N taunted and laughed at the now healed student.
Mercury was not having it and began to walk towards him.
Y/N growled and balled his fists.

Weiss's POV:
"Woah woah woah,stand down."
As I saw Mercury and Y/N getting dangerously close to each other,Emerald stepped in front of Mercury at the same time.
Emerald:"stand down,now."
Mercury stopped and scowled,Ruby waved her hands and stood in the middle aswell.
"H-hey now come on,can't you two make up...?" Ruby looked between the two.
Y/N crossed his arms and chuckled.

Y/N:"sure,how bout it noodle boy?"
He tilted his head and put a fake smile.
Mercury:"Stop calling me that you fu-"
Y/N's arm blurred as he was about to connect a punch to his head,Yang had stopped it moments before it did.
A mere inches from Mercury's face.
Yang struggled and shook as she used her strength to keep Y/N's arm in place.
Me & Yang:"Y/N stop!!"
I pushed on his chest but it was no use as he ignored us completely.
all he did was snarl and roar at Mercury.

He then stopped struggling and pulled his arm back.
"I'm going to tear you and your little friend to pieces,just wait."
He backed up and huffed before walking off.
An awkward silence loomed over us as no one said a word.
Ruby:"I-he-we ugh...we're sorry about him,I don't know why he acts that way around you guys..."
She frowned and before I spoke up.
"Ruby,he acts like that with everyone except for us"
Yang crossed her arms and huffed.
"But when it comes to you two and Cinder it's like his whole mood 180s"

Mercury:"I wonder why,maybe oh I don't know,he beat me to the brink of death when the second time we met?"
Blake:"it's your own fault for choosing to fight him,everyone in the class told you not to,even ms.Goodwitch!"
She furrowed her brow and got defensive.
Emerald:"calm it down Merc,just...sigh,we'll...catch you guys later alright?
Oh! Also,who is fighting for your team in the doubles?"
Me and the girls look at each other and shrugged.
"Me and Yang will be representing"
Yang:"yep! We're gonna kick some butt!"
Emerald chuckled before walking off with Mercury.
No one's POV:
The girls sat at a food booth and thought about what had happened.
Ruby:"Ugh,what are we going to do? Y/N keeps causing trouble for other students..."
She leaned on her hand and sighed as they ordered.
Blake spoke up and nodded towards the chef.
"Well it's that guy's fault for picking a fight on Y/N,he brought that on himself."
Weiss shook her head.
"But don't you girls remember? He DID beat him half to death..."
Everyone stays silent as Weiss gave her card to the cashier.
After it declined she was baffled.
"What? How did it decline?!"
She picked it up and sighed as she put it away.
"Sorry girls...."
RWBY all frowned before hearing a familiar voice.
"Maybe I can help?"
Pyrrha walked over with the rest of team JNPR.

Ruby squealed and threw her arms up.
Jaune chuckled at her reaction.
"Mind if we join you?"
As they sat down the ground rumbled from behind the booth.
They all looked over and see Y/N coming out of the trees.
He looked at then and walked over.
"What's up."
He sat down on the counter and slept.
Nora:Y/N get down you're not...sanitary."
He growled at her before Pyrrha spoke up again.
"Ahem,Y/N,first off get down and second,what happened earlier?"
He looked over to RWBY and groaned.
"You told them?"
Weiss:"yes we did,now get off the counter."
They stared at one another before Y/N smashed the counter to pieces.

Ruby winced and was about to speak up before Blake and Yang yelled at him.
Yang&Blake:"Y/N what the hell is wrong with you!?"
He turned to them and crossed his arms.
He shrugged and sat on the rubble.
As they argued,Pyrrha stood and walked over to Weiss.
Pyrrha:"Why is he acting like this? He was perfectly fine earlier."
Weiss:"sigh I really don't know Pyrrha,he was fine and content before Emerald and Mercury came up,that was when his whole mood switched."
Y/N huffed and turned away as Pyrrha walked towards him.
Pyrrha:"Y/N...? What's wrong,did something happen?"
He growled and waved her off.
"Yea something happened,those rats Emerald and Mercury are here,and for what reason?"

Pyrrha:"Y/N,they are here to participate in the tournament,there nothing we can do to stop them from participating."
She placed a hand on his chest and got close to his snout.
Pyrrha:"Come on,just calm down a bit ok? For me?"
She smiled and backed away when he eventually did calm down.
Y/N:"are you...fighting next?"
He mumbled under his breath and looked down.
Pyrrha:"yes,I am so come down and cheer me on ok?"
She smiled and began to walk with her team.

RWB all pouted at Pyrrha's closeness with Y/N they watched as she talked with him and calmed him down.
Ruby:"why the heck is he being all lovey dovey with Pyrrha,we told him to stop and he didn't!"
Yang:"it's because you guys shouted at him and continued to argue,I mean Ruby didn't really speak to him so it was mainly Blake and Weiss."
Weiss crossed her arms and looked at her.
Weiss:"are you saying that we need to be calm with him or something,cause that's kind of hard to do with him."
Yang nodded and the girls sighed.
Yang:"come on,let's go watch the fight."
(In that damn arena)
Y/N's POV:
I was in the commentator's stand and looking down at the fight.
The holograms showed which biomes were going to appear,it was a forest and mountain type with lighting over them.
I gripped the stand and watched closely,the other team didn't really matter to me since I watched team JNPR only.
I had high hopes for them,mainly keeping my eyes on Jaune hoping he would lead his team to glory.

"JAUNE you BETTER not fuck this up or I'll go down there and RIP YOU APART!!!"
I roared out of the window,echoing through the arena.
All eyes were on Jaune now.
He yelled back and stammered.
"Thank you,for those words of encouragement hahahaaa....."
He gulped and charged with his team,they were faring pretty well and even pushed the enemy team back.
"SNIPER,sniper up in the DAMN TREES"
I roared out of the window again as they hid behind some rocks,I see Jaune's mouth moving and Nora taking a taser to the stomach,I turned to Oobleck and Port.

"Hey what the hell is Nora doing?"
I asked as she just smiled and took it.
They looked at me and answered my question by announcing it on the comms.
Apparently Nora can make and charge up energy within her body.
She was able to take out the sniper by forcing her out of the trees,after a bit of rambling from Jaune Nora knocked them out of the park,literally.
Y/N's POV:
It was the next and final round,some randoms I've never met called team SUN came out as fans cheered and howled,the enemy team came out aswell,named team INDIGO.
"Ugh this is so boring,I don't even wanna be here."
I rolled over and walked to the door.
Ozpin was on the other side as I opened it,he had a cup of tea and gave me a small smile,he then turned to the professors.
Ozpin:"gentlemen,if I could have the mic please."
He took the mic and cleared his throat.
Ozpin:"ladies and gentlemen,this round we have a very special event! That not even the student know about!"

Everyone was confused and murmured to each other,the fighting teams looked at one another and shrugged.
Ozpin:"Be ready everyone! This will be the only time this will happen,so pull out your scrolls!"
He put the mic down and snapped his fingers,a hatch under me opened and I fell into the arena.


I roared as I fell,catching everyone by surprise,they all looked towards me in confusion.
Teams RWBY and JNPR squint in my direction and went wide eyed,Blake and Pyrrha looked in horror as I entered the arena.


I look towards the two competing teams,their faces filled with concern and fear,they took a good look as well.
"Is that....a Grimm?"


(Oh wow,new chapter cool enjoy the cliffhanger hehe.)

(1534 words)

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