Ali stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her "I couldn't really sleep well last night..."She told Yosano while yawning. Yosano reached into her hair and pulled out a white feather. 

She inspected the feather "Did the pillow explode or something?" She asked. Ali giggled and adjusted her mask "You could say that..."

"So do you have any plans on what you're going to do after this?" Yosano asked. Ali shook her head "Maybe I'll find a internship at a hospital or something..." She muttered before facing Yosano again "Do you have any suggestions?"

Yosano shook her head "I don't have much experience in the work world, so I'm afraid I can't offer you much."

Ali sighed "At least my savings will last me a while... Oh yeah, how much will the boarding cost be?" I pulled out my phone and opened up my paying app. Yosano nodded and then sent me the check.

Ali looked at the cost and then quickly wired some money to her, giving her a 20% tip. "Once again, thank you for letting me stay. If you need anything in the future here's my number."

Yosano nodded and the quickly wrote it down. "Your name?" She asked. "My name is Ali..." Ali told her "No need for a last name. I prefer my first name." She informed Yosano.

As they left the building Ali saw Dazai sinking into a barrel. "Is he... Okay?" She questioned. Yosano looked at Dazai "He's always like that. Don't mind him. Don't try to help." She responded quickly.

 Dazai saw Yosano and Ali leaving the room "You two!!! Please help!!!" He called. Yosano glanced at Ali "Pretend you don't know him." She instructed.

Ali looked at Yosano, and then at Dazai, then she saw Atsushi running out the building to help him. "I think he's fine now." She pointed to Atsushi and Yosano nodded. "I'll be going now, I don't want him crying to me on why I didn't help him." Yosano said, speeding up and leaving Ali.

Ali waved goodbye. Then went over to Dazai to see of he was okay. She and Atsushi found themselves standing next to each other staring at him.

When Atsushi noticed she was next to him he let out a yelp. Ali deadpanned "It's nice to meet you too. The name's Ali." Atsushi quickly composed himself "Ah- My name is Atsushi.... It's nice to meet you."

Dazai stared at the two "Can you two stop flirting and get me out of here?" Atsushi blushed while Ali stared at him like he was a piece of trash. Ali watched as Atsushi knocked down the barrel and pulled out Dazai.


Somehow Ali found herself following the two of them as the two spoke about getting a job. And as Kunikida appeared out of nowhere and dragged the 3 of them to the agency where there was a bomber.

Why do I always find myself in the most dangerous and inconvenient situations???

Kunikida turned to look at Ali "Why is she here?" He asked Dazai. Dazai shrugged "Guess you'll have to find out~"

The bomber sat on the desk holding Naomi hostage. Ali wasn't really scared, she knew that this was all an act and that nobody would get hurt.

Kunikida went out to try to stop the bomber after losing a rock-paper-scissors game with Dazai. But he was quickly stopped and ordered to get on all fours and have his knees above is head.

Is that even physically possible?!

Dazai wearily looked at the bomber "It looks like the bomber knows the faces of everyone in the agency..." Then he turned to me and Atsushi "At-su-shi~, A-li~"

Before I knew it I was standing next to Atsushi as he begged the bomber to stop what he was doing. I was currently dying of secondhand embarrassment.

Why am I here. I just wanted to live life and help people. Instead I'm listening to a guy talk about tea on rice... I hate my life.

"So let's look for a job together!" Atsushi yelled. The bomber was scared by his insistence and backed away. 

Kunikida jumped off the desk and used his notebook to summon a wire gun. With pinpoint accuracy he shot the remote out of the bombers hand and quickly ran up to him and kicked him to the ground.

Atsushi let out a sigh of relief as I quickly clapped for him. "You did a good job." I told him. Then I reached into my bag and gave him some pudding I had in there.

He shakily took the pudding and ate it. I quickly went over to Naomi and untied her. Then I heard a beep noise come from the bomber. He had pressed the detonate button.

I froze, unsure on what to do. Even if the bomb was fake, and I knew that everything was going to be okay, it still didn't feel right to just watch.

While I was still frozen, Atsushi jumped on top of the bomb and use his body to shield it. I already saw this on the screen, but seeing it in real life was way scarier. The amount of regard he had for his own life was just scary.

Before I even knew what was happening I pushed him off the bomb and replaced his body with mine. "DON'T SACRAFICE YOUR LIFE LIKE THAT!!!" I yelled at him as I threw him almost halfway across the room.

He slammed into the wall and then stumbled to his feet "SAYS THE PERSON WHO'S ALSO SACRAFCING THEIR LIFE!" He yelled. He ran to me and tried to wrestle me away from the bomb. "I don't know anything about you, but your life is definitely worth more then mine!"

In the end we ended up both covering the bomb and yelling at each other. Atsushi braced himself for the detonation and I closed my eyes. The explosion never happened and I got up from my position. 

Atsushi looked up, confused. "W-wait... Why hasn't the bomb gone off yet?" I picked him off the ground and stared at the group of three that stared at us.

Kunikida scolded us while Dazai just laughed and told us that we had the potential to become suicidal maniacs. 

Naomi threw herself onto her brother Tanizaki "ONE-SAMA!!! YOU WERE SO COOL!!!" She shouted as she cuddled with him on the floor.

Atsushi stared at the scene unfolding before him dumfounded. "H-Huh?" He turned to be for help as I just shrugged and shook my head.

Dazai snickered "This was an entrance exam for you to join the agency!" He told us.

Then Dazai looked at me "And while you haven't shown any signs of an ability... You definitely have one!" He said happily.

We've talked for like 5 minutes... How did he find out I have an ability???

I sighed as I nodded "You're right... But how'd you figure out?" Dazai just smiled and winked "It's a secret! I might tell you if you jump off a building with me though~"

I quickly shook my head before turning to look at Atsushi. Atsushi flinched and quickly bowed "Erm... Thank you for trying to help me..." He mumbled.

I glared at him and then slapped him "Are you and idiot?" I asked. He stuttered and I continued to talk "No one's life is worth more then another persons life... If I ever find you speaking like that again, I'll make sure you can never talk again for the rest of your life." I said coldly.

He flinched as he muttered that he'd think about it. Then the president of the agency entered the room. He had a commanding presence and a cold glare. He said some stuff about us joining the agency, but I was too focused on Atsushi's behavior.

I know he's had a hard past but... He shouldn't be so willing to sacrifice himself like that.

Dazai turned to the both of us "So... Welcome to the agency!"

Atsushi held up both of his hands as he backed away "W-wait! I can't join such a reckless and dangerous workplace!!!" He yelled. Dazai just giggled "Says the guy who jumped onto a bomb~"

Atsushi faltered at the statement "Th-that..." Then Dazai continued to speak "And you're a wanted tiger, once the public finds out you'll probably be hunted down... At best you'll be shot dead..."

Atsushi flinched at the words "Sh-shot dead?!" Dazai nodded "But if you join the agency it'll be a different story..."

Then he turned to me "And I assume you're willing to join the agency?" I nodded "I didn't have a plan anyways."

And I also have to get Atsushi to value himself more...

BSD x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora