Chapter 14: fighting boredom

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Timeskip of 4 months:

Under Bill's and Alastor's reign, Hell has really changed. Now, it's full of weirdness and torturing machines.

Bill enjoyed the huge never-ending party of weirdness as well as Alastor enjoyed the freedom and power and finally being able to punish the sinners the way they are supposed to be punished.

The last 4 months, they have lived in Bill's gigantic pyramid palace peacefully as well as happily. Surprisingly, they managed to not have another fight or argument.

But after a while of happiness, doubts clouded Alastor's mind: "Darling?"
Bill immediately gives Alastor his undivided attention: "Yes?"

Alastor wasn't sure how to phrase his thoughts: "Uhm... I'm starting to feel bored. I mean I'm happy and all. I've achieved everything I've wanted to achieve here in Hell but there's nothing left to achieve. Time just passing by without anything really happening. Does nothing really happen after reaching everything you've worked for?"

Bill sighes: "Has anyone ever told you that you're a buzzkill?"
Alastor grunts in frustration: "I'm being serious! I'm soooooo BORED! Everything is in order and control. No entertainment at all!"

Bill scoffs: "So what would you like me to do? Shall I pray to the Axolotyl so it revives Vox again? So you can have some fun with your arch nemesis?"

Alastor tilts his head: "... what is the axolotyl?"
Bill: "A much mightier being than me. And I really shouldn't be bothering it with such ... rather trivial matters."

Alastor's voice gets a bit distorted: "Why did you make this pointless suggestion then?"
Bill: "It was just an example. Well if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go out there and party with my minions."

Alastor: "Let's finish our conversation first, shall we?"
Bill: "Didn't I just end it?"

Alastor's eyes blink at him in annoyance and he pushed Bill against the wall forcefully.

Bill chuckles in an amused tone: "Who knew the ace Alastor could be kinky?"

Alastor blushes: "Turn into your humanoid form, dearest."

Excited by this demand, Bill turned into his humanoid form in a heartbeat.
To finally feel anything else but boredom again, Alastor leans in for a kiss.

Bill kisses him back hungrily. First, their kisses were soft and tender but they quickly turned into kisses of a passionate nature.

Out of curiousity, Alastor started moving his hands all over Bill's upper body. Bill took off his shirt rapidly. Hesitantly, Alastor also took off his suit. Bill got very excited and his hands wandered all over Alastor's exposed upper body.

They kept kissing. Bill then started kissing Alastor's neck intensively. Alastor whimpered slightly at the undeniable arousal he was starting to feel.

Alastor took a few steps back: "That's enough. I don't like... this weird sensation."

Bill whispers: "Can't you just give it a shot?"
Alastor walks back to Bill again, kissing him more. And also touching his surprisingly muscular humanoid form.

Alastor paused: "Did you exactly choose the appearance of your humanoid form?"
Bill chuckles: "Of course. Just for you, I made sure to make it look very attractive. Or isn't it?"

Alastor blushes: "It indeedy is very attractive, I assure you."
Alastor got on top of Bill, kissing him very passionately.

Bill makes sure to explore every inch of Alastor's exposed chest, stomach and upper body in general.
Alastor then noticed a quite noticeable bulk on Bill's trousers. Alastor blushed very hard: "Oh my."

Bill offered: "Is this getting too much for you? We can stop any time if you aren't comfortable."

Alastor muttered in an ashamed tone: "I don't want you to become bored of me like I've become bored of ruling Hell."

Bill gives him a serious look: "Love, I doubt I could ever get bored of you. If you don't want this, it's fine. I accept your boundaries. I love you. No matter whether we fool around or not. But yeah, we need to find a solution for your boredom."

Alastor gave him a genuine smile in return: "Thank you, dearest. I love you too."
Out of reflex, Alastor involuntarily shuddered while saying that.

Bill chuckled awkwardly: "I see we still gotta practise saying I love you to each other. By which I mean... especially YOU still seem to need to practise that."

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