Chapter 5: after the attack

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Alastor wasn't sure what to think. He surely envied Bill's great power but he also felt very threatened by the sheer vastness of his powers as well as Bill probably being just as sadistic as Alastor himself. Alastor was quite a killer himself, so who was he to judge the cruelty of others. But he had to admit, he was a bit scared to imagine what Bill would do to him if he ever upset him, betrayed him or got bored of him. He didn't like the thought of being overpowered. Especially by this amount.

He thought since he didn't stand a chance against Bill, he shall try his best to keep being of use to him. He never thought he would have to play a demon's puppet like this. And the thought of not being the one in control angered and annoyed him.

As Bill was materialising again in the Hazbin Hotel, he was already expected by Charlie & Vaggie who were very furious at him and what he had done. Charlie had tears in her eyes, tears of anger. She shouted at him: "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? I TOOK YOU IN! YOU SAID YOU WERE WORKING ON IMPROVING YOURSELF! Now look at what you've done. Fuck you, Bill! You're even much worse than Alastor!"

Bill floated closer to her. Vaggie tried to keep Bill away from her with a sharp speer but Bill snapped with his fingers and turned Vaggie's speer into a soft wax-like fluid. Vaggie grunted: "Ew!"

Bill floated right in front of their faces, saying: "What I did? Something good for Hell! The angels will never dare to attack your people anymore. You don't have to fear any exterminations anymore! Why aren't you praising and worshipping me since I've saved your people's lives?! Stop the angry yelling and better get on your good knees and start praising my name & weirdness. Or do you wanna become another casuality in my list? DO YOU?"

Alastor opens the door and interrupts the scene. Pretending to be completely unfazed by Bill's Power, he charmingly says: "Oh dear Bill, I'm so glad about your return! Your work in Heaven was beyond excellent. You truly deserve to be the new ruler of Hell. You'll forever have my undying support & loyalty. I greatly admire you and thank you truthfully for your greatness."

Bill took his hat off to him, saying: "Oh my my, thank you dear friend. That means a lot coming from you." He turns his eye to Charlie and Vaggie: "See? That's how you treat Hell's new master."
After saying so, he shoots a laser at Charlie and Vaggie trying to turn them into stone. Vaggie turned into stone easily but when it came to Charlie, only half of her body was turned into stone. Slowly, her powers melted most of the stone-lineage on her away but her left hand remained in stone. Her left hand now looked like the hand of a stone statue. But apart from that, Charlie was fine.

Charlie tried using her powers against Cipher but they didn't really have a lasting effect on him. Suddenly, Charlie had an idea. She shot Alastor with her powers to distract Cipher. Because she knows Alastor can't counterattack her powers. So Alastor fell to the ground, exclaiming a short shout of pain.

As Charlie hoped for, Bill cared enough for Alastor to stop his attacks for the moment to check on Alastor. Charlie used that chance to run away. She had to consult her dad about this. He, as the actual ruler of Hell, might be the only one who might stand a chance against Cipher. But what if... he doesn't?

So while Charlie was running for her life, Bill inspected Alastor who was slightly grunting in pain: "Focus on her. Go after her. Don't mind me. I'll be... I'll be just fi-"
He was interrupted by Bill: "Utter nonsense, Alastor. You're my friend. I have to make sure you're okay. Be honest on how badly her powers have damaged you!"
Alastor grunts, embarrassed of him being so much weaker than his ally: "My chest is... hurting very much." Bill puts one of his hands on Alastor's chest: "I'll heal you."

Alastor looks at him stunned: "You can heal?! Is there anything you aren't capable of?"
Bill smirks: "I'm an interdimensional demon, pal. I can almost do anything. Even a bit of healing. To be fair, it isn't one of my strong powers. It will take a while for me to heal you. Especially with that amount of damage. She got you quite the amount of harm. With this extent of damage, I'll honestly... be very weakened by the end of the procedure."

Alastor: "Then don't. You don't require my services. You don't need me or my little powers. You can conquer Hell yourself, dear. All by yourself. You're capable of this and even more. I rea-."

Bill looks at him closely: "I'm gonna stop you right here. It is my decision to save you. So don't complain. And you're not only my ally. You are my genuine friend. And believe me, despite of my veryyyy long life, I haven't had many of those. Hardly even. So I indeed need you. I doubt it will be fun to reign Hell all alone. Where would be the fun in it if I didn't share the reign of weirdness with you?"

So Bill concentrated his healing powers and most of his other powers to tune into his healing power while holding Alastor's chest. A very vibrant yellow colour emerged from Alastor's chest as he was slowly healed by Bill.
After finishing the healing process, Bill's triangular form sank to the ground. Bill's vibrant yellow has turned into a very pale yellow. Kind of exhausted, he was laying on the ground. Alastor gave him a worried look: "Hmmm... Is it normal for your yellow to fade to a very pale yellow after the healing process?"
Bill didn't relpy but slowly lost consciousness for a few moments. Alastor didn't leave his side and worried for his friend while he was unconscious. Alastor felt lots of gratefulness as nobody has ever gone to such lengths for him like Bill has.

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