Shuhua's smile grew wider, if possible, at the sound of Yuqi's laughter. "Yuqi laugh good. Shuhua like."

"I like your smile, too, Shuhua. It makes me feel better," Yuqi admitted, her fingers gently stroking the soft fur behind Shuhua's ears.

"Then Yuqi smile more. Shuhua make sure," the wolf hybrid promised, her tone serious but her eyes sparkling with mischief.

As Yuqi and Shuhua approached the living room, the sounds of Miyeon's laughter filled the air, creating a light-hearted atmosphere amidst their tense situation. Miyeon was teasing Minnie, who maintained her signature straight poker face, unamused and stoic despite the playful provocation.

Shuhua, upon noticing Minnie, let out a low growl, her wolf instincts perhaps mistrusting or misunderstanding Minnie's quiet demeanor. Minnie, in turn, looked at Shuhua with a mix of confusion and curiosity, clearly not understanding the reason behind the growl but also not showing any signs of aggression or fear.

Yuqi, keenly aware of the delicate dynamics within their group, especially Shuhua's apparent discomfort around Minnie, stepped in to ease the tension. "Shuhua, it's okay," Yuqi said softly, kneeling to gently pat Shuhua's head, trying to soothe her. "Minnie is our friend, remember?"

Shuhua, still eyeing Minnie warily, leaned into Yuqi's touch, her growl subsiding into a soft whine. It was clear that Shuhua respected Yuqi, and her reassurance helped calm the wolf hybrid's nerves, even if her underlying unease around Minnie remained.

Minnie, for her part, seemed to accept Shuhua's reaction with a sort of detached understanding, recognizing that not all within their group were comfortable with her yet. She turned her attention back to Miyeon, who had paused her teasing to watch the interaction, a gentle reminder of the complexities of their newfound family.

Miyeon, always looking for ways to lighten the mood and strengthen the bonds within their makeshift family, turned her attention back to Minnie. With a playful grin, she said, "You know Minnie, your scales in the lower body remind me of Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon."

Minnie, whose experiences and expressions were often more subdued and less informed by human culture due to her uncivilized nature, simply tilted her head in response. The reference, lost on her, didn't diminish the intent behind Miyeon's words. It was an attempt to connect, to find common ground in the shared experiences of popular culture, even if the analogy didn't fully land.

Yuqi chuckled at the interaction, appreciating Miyeon's effort to include Minnie and make her feel part of the group. "Minnie may not get the reference, but it's a compliment," Yuqi explained, trying to bridge the gap between Minnie's understanding and the human world they were navigating. "Toothless is brave, strong, and loyal—much like you."

Minnie, in a moment of playful defiance or perhaps just misunderstanding the concern, responded to the light-hearted conversation with a soft hiss. It wasn't a sound of aggression but rather one of mild protest or perhaps her own unique way of joining in. She then slithered effortlessly towards the ceiling of the loft, her body moving with a grace and agility that belied her size. The supports and beams of the old loft allowed her to navigate upwards easily, her serpentine lower half coiling around the supports as she ascended.

"Minnie! Get down! You can be seen!" Miyeon's voice carried a mix of alarm and urgency. The loft, their safe haven in the bustling city of Seoul, was carefully chosen for its seclusion and the privacy it offered. Any risk of being spotted by outsiders, especially considering Minnie's distinctive appearance, could jeopardize their safety.

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