8. A Trial of History

Start from the beginning

Hiding beneath his blanket, perhaps. Trying to shake off the chill of loss. Hongjoong had been there, with his past crew and with Yunho. It was grisly, but it got better. New things would come. New pirates to hunt.

New people to love.

"Can we begin?" The judge asked over in Hongjoong's direction and the pirate lifted his head. Stared through the gritty mess of blonde hair with its pearls and shells woven into tiny braids among the fluff.

"Aye," he replied throatily. Everyone sat in their prospective seats and one chair remained empty. The doors heavily fell shut, enclosing them with silence. Hongjoong breathed the scent of candle wax and paper as he forced himself to relax. Freedom was so close behind those tall windows, but it would never be his again.

"Hell-born Captain Kim Hongjoong, you have been arrested for theft locally, is that right?" The judge began and Hongjoong played with his chains.

"I paid that time, but that be the story, aye," he replied. Arguing wouldn't get them anywhere. If they wanted, they could arrest him in a heartbeat, pirate or not.

"Our records found you are a wanted pirate, guilty of murder, pillaging, arson, rape, other thieveries and disobeying the law against piracy. Do you admit to those charges?"

"And sodomy!" One churchman gasped. "He lays with men, sinning in the eyes of the Lord!"

Hongjoong scoffed. His smirk unsettled the men, but they kept their glares. So delightfully similar to Cabezon before he admitted to his innermost desires.

"Aye, aye," Hongjoong repeated lazily. "That be me."

The scribe scribbled away. As the judge placed his wanted poster aside, this was usually the end. Admit to his charges, get sentenced to hang. Perhaps some more torture in prison so he could rat out his crew and become the plaything of their ugliest human depths.

But the judge glanced at the clerics and cleared his throat.

"We know you are in a peculiar position concerning Commodore Park, who isn't present today. Your involvement kept him imprisoned on your ship for several weeks."

"Me worst crime, aye?" Hongjoong grinned back. If only they knew.

Churchman pointed his finger again.

"You tormented him how only hell would treat a sinner like you! Though he grew up in high standards in family background and education, you depraved criminal raped and tormented him until his mind was broken! Near all hope was lost if not for our patient aid to liberate him from his sins! This, Your Honour, is the worst crime this pirate committed! Even death is more merciful!"

Hongjoong sighed. Oh, the good times of belaying Cabezon to the bowsprit and having him eat out of Hongjoong's hand. All that fun they had.

He didn't deny it, and the clergy stared at him full of bitter triumph. As if that would make him feel bad.

"I met the commodore as a very gathered and able man. There is strength in his overcoming his misery. Though he isn't here to speak on this matter, he hasn't shown a throwback into past traumata," the judge pondered. He glanced over at his documents. "Though he did ask to be present before we make our call. Can someone send for him?"

"Does it matter?" Hongjoong quipped, bored with their speeches as they decided over his life in all their righteousness. Not even leaving him the choice to fend for himself.

"No matter what 'e 'as to babble in 'is feverish vision o' me that addles 'is mind, I be a pirate, nay? In the deadlights o' yer codex, ye can only 'ave me meet Jack Ketch."

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