7. Forbidden Utter

Start from the beginning

The captain wanted to walk the plank proudly. Seonghwa's pity mocked him.

Seonghwa clutched the bars dividing them. Shook his head in his eternal block-headedness.

Hongjoong wondered if he would be the same if he were on the other side of the bars. If he would look so desperate while Seonghwa refused him with cold eyes.

The commodore's whisper was so light it almost drowned in the dripping water that had been driving Hongjoong insane for the past week.

"Marry me."

Though he was sitting down, Hongjoong almost fell over. He choked on his spit, spluttering, and a grim satisfaction burnt in Seonghwa's eyes at the reaction. Finally, something he could work with. 

With his flame freshly ignited, Hongjoong whipped around to stare at him. Forgot he had to act ignorant to get Seonghwa away. To hurt him enough to stop.


Seonghwa pursed his lips. More destructive than he had ever been in his obsession.

"I won't say it twice, bastard. You heard me. This is your ticket out of here. Forfeit your pride and keep your life. Marry me."

Speechless, Hongjoong hovered in his cell. He was glad no one was here to hear them because this was insanity. Had his leg hurt any less from his whirl, Hongjoong would have laughed at Seonghwa.

Since he was mute, Seonghwa continued.

"If we register our marriage today, it becomes a relevant piece of information in tomorrow's trial. This would still be abusing my status, but special rules apply to the spouse of a naval captain of my rank. This can save you, Hongjoong. It doesn't have to mean more than that." Seonghwa glanced away as if he didn't like that thought. After biting his lips, he nodded to himself, firm with his proposal.

So he had also gone mad.

Hongjoong's head was a mess. He didn't understand, was angry and shocked at the same time. Where did this idea come from? Did Seonghwa mean to insult him on his last day at peace? 

Or was this the depth of his deprivation? A curse that befell him?

"Ye ain't safe either if ye vow matelotage to a pirate, do ye nay understand ye bastard?! Ye will lose everythin'! Yer damned church punished ye once fer sodomy, an' they will do it again. Yer superiors will realise yer mutiny. This be yer end!" Hongjoong yelled back, not caring who heard him. All his regained energy fuelled into his outrage. Into his shock.

What was this flutter in his stomach? It was nothing. It shouldn't be there. 

Seonghwa tried to hold back tears. Tried to reason with himself.

Tried to give up everything he worked for all his life for Hongjoong.

This wasn't what Hongjoong wanted. Wasn't the mighty captain he loved to taunt and get taunted by. This was a man broken. Seeing his life crumble apart.

When had things changed? Once Hongjoong was captured? Or already before? How many yearnful goodbyes had it taken before Seonghwa considered leaving his life behind for him?

Hongjoong was gagged for words. He wanted to throw up all those convoluted feelings. To get rid of them and never look at them again. Wanted to yell against the itch in his throat.

Tears shimmered in Seonghwa's eyes once more.

"Isn't it worth it? Isn't that better than seeing them kill my- my-" He choked himself off, wiping his sleeve over his lips. He had sunken against the cell bars, at the end of his might. In his head, it was all lost already.

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