Shuhua nodded in agreement, moving closer to the group. "We protect each other," she said, her voice firm despite the underlying fear.

The news continued to detail the repercussions of the incident, mentioning increased security measures and public debates on hybrid rights and safety. It was a reminder of the world outside their cabin, a world that seemed increasingly hostile toward beings like Yuqi and Shuhua.

As the segment on the snake hybrid ended, Soyeon turned off the TV, not wanting the outside turmoil to overshadow their newfound peace. "Let's not let this ruin our day," she suggested, trying to lift the mood. "We have each other, and that's what matters."

Soyeon's words hung in the air, a reminder of the unique blend of circumstances that had brought them all together. "If something's wrong, always call me. Since you've got a hunter in the house now," she added with a hint of a smile, trying to inject some lightness into the moment.

Yuqi looked up at her, the corners of her mouth lifting slightly. "A hunter, huh?" she said, her tone playful yet touched with admiration. "I feel safer already."

Soojin chuckled, appreciating the attempt to shift the mood. "Well, I must say, it's quite reassuring to have our own guardian here. Makes me think we can handle just about anything that comes our way."

Shuhua, who had been quietly listening, nodded in agreement. "Soyeon strong," she stated simply, her words carrying a weight of trust and confidence in Soyeon's abilities.

As the day waned into evening, the group found themselves huddled around the living room, the warmth of the fire crackling in the hearth juxtaposed against the chill seeping through the windows. Soyeon, Yuqi, Soojin, and Shuhua had seamlessly woven into a tapestry of an unconventional family, each thread unique yet integral to the strength and beauty of the whole.

Soojin suggested a game to lighten the mood further, "How about we play something? Maybe a board game or charades?" Her eyes sparkled with the anticipation of shared laughter and playful competition.

Yuqi's ears perked up at the suggestion. "Charades! I've read about it but never played it. Sounds fun!" she exclaimed, her tail swishing in excitement.

Shuhua clapped her hands, her eyes lighting up. "Yes! Play, play!" she echoed, her enthusiasm infectious.

Soyeon smiled, nodding in agreement. "Charades it is, then. It's been a while since I've played, but I think it'll be a great way for us to unwind."

As they cleared the living room floor to make space, Soojin fetched an old hat filled with scribbled prompts. The rules were simple: act out the prompt without speaking, and the others had to guess what it was. Laughter filled the room as each took their turn, the absurdity of some of the silent performances breaking down any lingering barriers of awkwardness or tension.

Yuqi, with her expressive gestures and animated facial expressions, proved to be a natural, leaving the others in stitches as she tried to mime "snowball fight" by dodging invisible snowballs and throwing them back. Soyeon, though initially hesitant, found herself fully immersed, her competitive spirit kicking in as she managed to convey "fireworks" with a series of dramatic, explosive movements, earning applause and laughter from her companions.

Even Shuhua, who was initially shy, threw herself into the game with gusto, her portrayal of "butterfly" so delicate and precise that they all guessed it in seconds, clapping and cheering for her.

The game of charades turned into several rounds, each more hilarious than the last. In those moments, they weren't hybrids and humans, hunter and hunted; they were just four souls, finding joy and solace in each other's company, their laughter a defiant melody against the backdrop of a world that might not yet be ready for them.

My Deer GirlfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora