Chapter 7 : Seasickness

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 Charlie bounced over to me, " Hey Al! Al! I asked my dad about any other things all of us could bond over, and he said we could have a trip on his yacht! Everyone else is coming, are you in? " She informed me. As much as I despise water, I agreed, to see more of that interesting short ruler... I admitted to myself. Ha! I knew it! You like him! Shadow laughed. " Oh hush, " I say quietly, " He's just very... interesting. Plus, you're the one who told me to do it in the first place! I'm just adding reason. "

Why this book is marvelous! So many unique ways of torture~ My smile widened as I flipped through the pages. They have such entertaining ways of murder in the overworld! It is sad that these people were caught. Lucifer walked up to me, " Hey, um, about last night. " He started, beginning to get visibly red, " I'm sorry for hugging you, I tend to do that in my sleep. " How does it feel being the embarrassed one? " No, no! I assure you it is completely fine! "

As Luci was headed off to his daughter, Angel Dust came up to me.

| A~N ; Time for another YT reference, YT reference, YT reference~ |

" Hey Al~~~~ The offer's still up~~ Wanna f^ck~~~? " Angel raised his eyebrow in - what he considers - a seductive way. " N O " " Why not...? " " Because if you touch me, I'll rip your d^ck off and shove it so far up your ^ss that you'll be coughing c^m for a month. " I growled, my eyes turning to radio dials and red symbols emitting from my body. " OKAY! Geez... " Angel put his hands up in surrender. My eyes went back to normal and I put on my regular smile, " Splendid! I'll see you later! "

Oh god why did I agree to this? I shuddered as I stood in front of the large boat. While everyone else was boarding, I was taking deep breaths, trying to convince myself to go through with this.


When I stepped onto the boat, I was hit by dizziness. I could feel every wave and each rocking motion the yacht made. I stumbled into the main floor of the large monstrosity. " Hey Al, are you okay? " Charlie asked, with a worried frown. " Of course, my dear! Why wouldn't I be? " I replied. Charlie still looked skeptical but let me walk past anyways.

 By late afternoon, nearing evening, I was very dizzy, gripping onto the boat railing. " Hey, Deer Demon, " Lucifer called, " Are you sure your okay? " I looked at the blonde, " Mhm... " I squeezed the railing, disforming it a little bit. 

 I groaned, " Someone stop this... blasted boat... " I put my hand to my head. I think you need to sit down Al, Shadow said. " Shut up... " I growled as I stumbled to my room.

 That night. Was a bad night.

| A~N ; Sorry guys! This chapter is so short, I'm having a huge writer's block, so for now until I can cure my writer's block I will be doing dare chapters! Any and every dare you have for the Hazbins, put it here! I am a multi-shipper, you may put RadioDust, RadioHusk, and RadioApple here. These dares can also include Vox, Valentino, Velvette, Adam, Lute, Sera, Emily, and me! |

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