Chapter 15

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Weiss sighed softly as she sat in a chair that was just a tad too small for her, and that was saying something with how short she was, not that she’d ever admit it publicly. The cafe she had chosen to have lunch at today had a nice outside patio, which made it easier to pony-gaze. Earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi came in every color and combination imaginable, and every once in a while, Weiss caught glimpses of other creatures such as griffons, and the rare yak or two. After staring at ponies for an entire week since her reveal to the public, Weiss enjoyed the variety. Most of the griffons were merchants or diplomats from Griffonia, the continent across the ocean.

She did appreciate being able to talk to more people, such as Twilight’s friends who stayed in the palace for a day or two before returning to Ponyville. Most of them were nice, though Pinkie Pie could get a bit annoying sometimes, and Rainbow Dash asked some of the dumbest questions imaginable. Nobody was able to shoot lasers out of their nostrils.

“Your Neighsar salad.” Weiss’ Waiter, a white unicorn with a green mane, left a large bowl on the table, wearing a fancy button up shirt that went well with his handlebar mustache. “And your Prench fries.” He placed a smaller plate next to her salad. The Waiter didn’t bat an eye when she arrived earlier, having grown used to her presence throughout the week. He did give Myrtenaster, which sat in the chair across from her, a second look.

“Thank you.” Weiss said politely, tearing her eyes away from the busy street. Ponies often stopped to get a glimpse of her, with a few even snapping pictures with cameras in the shape of a cube. They weren’t discreet, despite their best attempts.

The Waiter gave her a short bow and scurried away back into the building. Her title as Royal Huntress, while a ceremonial and a largely made up job, ensured that nopony would disrespect Weiss to her face, unless they happened to be a noble. Canterlot just so happened to have hundreds if not thousands of them.

Adjusting the handkerchief that sat in her lap, Weiss smoothed the white skirt she had decided to wear today, and grabbed the fork that sat beside the salad bowl. She stabbed a lone fry and lifted it to her lips, taking a small nibble. Some meat would be nice right about now, but the griffon restaurants wouldn’t open until the weekend came. At least the food was still delicious, even if this was her third portion already. She’d have to return to the palace soon, to start preparing for her expedition to the Everfree Forest.

“How tedious.” Weiss murmured as she finally jammed her fork into her salad bowl, stabbing a small tomato and a piece of lettuce. The juices from the tomato leaked onto the vegetables that laid underneath it, dyeing it red. However tedious it may be, the expedition would be a way to repay Luna for her kindness, and kill Weiss’ boredom at the same time. Canterlot reminded her of Vale, before the Fall of Beacon, before Weiss’ life was ruined. Her eyes drifted towards the ponies on the main street, laughing and talking happily.

The sweet tomato tasted bitter.


Canterlot Castle was cute, and looked like a toy came to life. Weiss’ eyes stared at each brick and piece and marble, walking past two guards in shining gold armor without a word. She was the only human in this world, which made sense at a glance, and Equestria was still at peace, but it was still bad form for this country's protectors.

Weiss’ inspection of the guard was in an hour, the members of her expedition chosen by Celestia and Luna themselves, forty guardponies in total. They’d leave in a week, after Weiss was done preparing her notes on the Everfree Forest. No huntress would jump into action without at least some form of preparation.

The palace was silent, with only the sound of Weiss’ custom made heels clacking against the floor, echoing through the hallway. She was wearing the blue dress she had arrived, now repaired thanks to the Royal Seamstress. A shiver went down the huntress’ spine as she placed a hand on Myrtenaster’s hilt.

Rarity, Twilight’s unicorn friend from Ponyville, was the most intimidating of the purple alicorn’s friends, especially after Weiss refused an offer by her to make a new set of dresses. It was a generous offer, but Weiss didn’t need anymore clothes, she wasn’t going to be in this world for long. That still didn’t stop the white unicorn from harassing Weiss into revealing her measurements.

That got annoying real fast, Rarity was lucky she was such a cutie, otherwise, Weiss would’ve used language that would’ve made Yang blush.

“Miss Schnee” A familiar, masculine voice called out from behind her, making her pause midstep. There were only a few ponies that were brave enough to directly address her in the palace. Having a title such as Royal Huntress, which guaranteed violence would do that to a people used to pacifism.

“Prince Blueblood.” Weiss answered neutrally, turning around to deal with Celestia’s and Luna's nephew. Luna had offered an explanation on how the three were related, but it was so complicated that not even someone as educated as Weiss could understand. The young prince was standing behind her with his earth pony attendant.

“I did not see you at breakfast today. Did you finally come to realize that you don’t belong here?” Prince Blueblood said with a lazy smirk. He was a white unicorn with a long blond mane, and stood just a few inches shorter than Weiss. It felt nice, not being the shortest person in the room for once.

“I’m sorry if I disappointed you.” Weiss tilted her head to meet his eyes. He reminded her of Whitley, just a little more harmless. “I was getting a breath of fresh air before my inspection of the Royal Guard.” She knew how to deal with people, uh, ponies like him. He was arrogant, rich, and had plenty of influence in the government. For some reason, he liked Weiss enough to make bad jokes like the one he just said. It was a part of his personality, which would rub anyone the wrong way.

“You won’t find finer ponies anywhere else.” Prince Blueblood boasted, puffing up his chest. According to Luna, he served a few tours with the Royal Guard, stationed near Las Pegasus as the local captain after graduating from the Equestrian Royal Military Academy. Celestia signed Blueblood up against his will, in order to teach him some humility.

Clearly, that idea didn’t work. 

“Though, if you do find any fault in them, it must be from the training the previous Captain of the Guard provided.” The Prince added. “My cousin-in-law, Shining Armor.” He said the name with disgust.

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Weiss said with a cold smile. Even if all the ponies were cute, she still had to be on guard with politicians. She bowed her head slightly. “I’ll be sure to whip them into shape if they’re not up to my standards.” Weiss wouldn’t literally whip them, that’d be a tad too racist. Prince Blueblood's smirk turned into a pleased smile. “Figuratively of course.” Weiss added quickly. His smile disappeared as easily as it came.

What a sicko.

I have some art for My Little Schnee, I’ll share it once its turned into the logo/cover art.

I commissioned the art from Seon1ce and the logo from Zereleuer.b


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