Chapter Three

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Weiss groaned softly as her eyelids fluttered open. Her body felt weak, like her aura had been completely drained and had been working overtime in order to keep her body alive. That was understandable, she didn't get a good look at Cinder's glass spear, but it did seem pretty thick and it hurt a lot. She was lucky to have survived. Gritting her teeth and forcing herself to sit up, Weiss felt a warmth envelop her body and an unseen force helped her into position. It was probably somebody's semblance since she didn't feel anyone actually touch her. 

"Careful, you shall reopen your wound if you move too much." An unfamiliar voice to Weiss' left said. Turning her head ever so slightly and brushing her bangs out of the way, her eyes met a pair of kind blue-green ones, more blue than green. 

Eyes that belonged to some weirdly shaped blue pony with a horn and wings instead of a nurse or doctor wearing a silver crown. 

"I must still be dreaming." Weiss murmured to herself. Whatever drugs the doctors had flowing through her veins must've been pretty strong to be able cause hallucinations that were this realistic. Its floating mane looked like the reflection of the night sky, complete with twinkle like stars. 

Reaching out with her left hand, Weiss touched the weird horse's muzzle, poking its adorable nose which was soft and a bit wet if she was being honest. 

Wait a minute…

She touched it! 

"I would appreciate it if you stopped touching my snout, however injured you are." The horse spoke, causing Weiss to freeze, her arm locking up. 

The horn-wing-horse actually spoke. Weiss' eyes widened in shock, and she screamed. T-That wasn't possible! The last thing Weiss saw before the darkness overtook her was the concerned horse's muzzle. 

And she passed out. 


"Mmm." Weiss was hungry, and tired, but mostly hungry. Despite many benefits, aura took up a lot of energy, so huntsmen and huntresses often had to eat larger portions than the average person. This time, she was alone in the strange, yet rather childish room she was lying in. Weiss' eyes darted towards the door and the window, finally being able to sit up without any major pain. 

This didn't look like Haven academy, or any place in Mistral, and Weiss had visited many parts of Remnant in her youth. 

"At least I'm not dreaming of ponies anymore." Weiss said to herself. That was the weirdest hallucination she ever had, not that she injured herself so often and bad enough to require strong medicine to have many of them. "Ruby? Yang?" 

How rude, their teammate was injured and they weren't by her side? That…

…didn't sound like those two idiots. 

What happened? Did they lose at Haven? Did they win? Where was everyone?! Did they leave her behind because she failed them? Where was Myrtenaster?! 

Narrowing her eyes, Weiss threw the blankets covering her off, revealing an oversized shirt and shorts preserving her modesty that were at least three sizes larger than her actual size. Her bare feet touched the cool floor, sending a slight shiver up Weiss' spine. Holding her right hand out, she willed a glyph to life. 

A small snowflake-like glyph formed in her hand. Good, that meant that her aura was active at the very least. If Weiss had her scroll she could check how much aura, but with her injury she was going to have to play it safe if she had been captured. The glyph disappeared as quickly as it came. Time to find out what waa going on here! 

And to give the others a piece of her mind if they decided to leave her here after she escaped Atlas just to be with them again, especially Ruby. Scanning the room for a potential temporary weapon in case Weiss had been captured, the lone door to her makeshift prison creaked open. 

Placing one foot in front of the other and raising her left hand as she formed the glyph of the Arma Gigas' sword, Weiss was caught off guard by the…pony that stuck her head in? 

"Greetings! I am most pleased that you are healed and awake!" The blue pony from Weiss' hallucination spoke. 

Something inside of Weiss' mind snapped. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The horse-pony thing screamed. 



Luna was confused. Normally when somepony saved the life of another, the one that was saved would usually be grateful. Especially if their savior stayed up past their bedtime to ensure that they could rest without having a nightmare. They usually didn't scream hysterically while wielding a glowing white sword made of magic. 

Unless that's changed in the thousand years Luna had been gone. 

"Please calm down and take a deep breath." Luna said as the hooman, Weiss Schnee, if the information Luna had gleaned from her dreams were correct, held the magic blade menacingly. "You shall reopen your stitches if you keep swinging that around." 

Thankfully, Luna had placed a soundproofing spell just before she decided to check in on their patient, just in case one of the Royal guards decided to be a bit hasty and accidentally murder Luna's guest. Their failure at the Canterlot wedding and during the Winter Revolution of Stalliongrad, which happened a few years before Luna's return, had turned the Equestrian soldiers paranoid from their complacency. 

"What are you and where am I?!" Miss Schnee was a great warrior, again from what Luna had gleaned through the hoomans dreams. Nothing invasive of course, Luna had simply observed whatever peaceful dream Schnee had, just in case she would be a threat to her little ponies. 

Just in case, the last time they took a visitor at face value, they had to imprison them in Tartarus since they tried stealing everypony's magic. Miss Schnee on the other hand, was like a wounded animal, in need of care to calm down. 

"Good! You are talking now." Luna remained standing unfazed. Weiss Schnee would not be a threat, she could feel it in her flank. "I am Princess Luna of Equestria." 

That made Miss Schnee pause, but did little to help lower her guard. Her confused look was met with an awkward smile from Luna. Celestia was the diplomat in the family, but that didn't mean Luna couldn't handle this without help. 

"What?" Weiss tilted her head ever so slightly. 

Luna sat on the ground, planting her flank to seem more approachable and slowly extended one of her hooves, like the diagram from the Modern Habits book Cadance had recommended.  

"A pleasure to meet you! May I ask you for your name?" Revealing that Luna had been in her dreams would be detrimental during this phase of the negotiations. 

"Uhhh…Weiss Schnee." Weiss said softly, her confusion even more evident in her voice. 

Huzzah! Success so far! 


Surprisingly this has been pretty fun to write so far despite being away from the MLP fandom for several years. 

I hope it remains a fun story. 

What do you wish to see eventually? 

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