Chapter Two

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Throughout Luna's long, long life, she had met many creatures that the average pony would consider 'strange.' In her youth she had ventured deep into the heart of Zebrica, had met the kirins and even the precursors of the so-called Storm Kingdom who attempted to invade her home not long ago. Glancing at the hairless minotaur that laid unconscious on a cot in the medical wing of Canterlot castle, there was finally a creature that evaded even Luna's best guesses. 

The creature, with naked, pale skin, and a mane full of long white hair looked like a hybrid monkey and minotaur. The minotaur-monkey mare, their doctors had assured them that the creature waa female, was half dead by the time Luna found her in the gardens and had awoken half the city in the process judging by the glares ponies working the night shift threw in her direction when they thought the Princess of the Night wasn't looking. Hm, maybe she was a hybrid? Luna had been banished to the moon for a thousand years after all, anything could have happened while she was gone. 

"How is she doing, Sister?" Luna angled her head to the side, coming muzzle to muzzle with her older sister, as Celestia yawned into a hoof in an attempt to hide her bad breath. 

"Tia." Luna said softly, turning her muzzle back towards the stabilized creature. It had taken a team of their finest medics, and support from Luna's own magic as well. The whole in the creatures side was rather large, she would not have survived past the night if it wasn't for such timely intervention. "She seems to be doing fine."

Celestia only hummed as she walked towards the other side of the cot, her tired eyes scanning the creature's features. 

"Do you have any idea what sort of creature she is? I have never seen anything like her in all of my travels." Luna asked, speaking carefully, she was still getting used to this modern dialect of Ponglish. 

"Mmm, not personally." Celestia sat her plot on the ground. The creature's clothes were torn, so they had dressed her in the spare clothes they kept for the minotaur diplomats from Asterion. It was ill fitting, but would preserve the creature's modesty. There were plenty of creatures that prefered to not be in the nude, unlike most ponies. "But she does seem like one of those hoomans Twilight has seen through the mirror." 

Ah, the world where Tia's former student Sunset Shimmer had run off to. Luna had personally never met the young unicorn, but the last thing she heard was that young Sunset had returned to Equestria and was now traveling the world, attempting to atone for her many mistakes. 

"You've never mentioned how they looked." Luna said dryly. While she loved her sister very much, Celestia had a long ingrained habit of keeping important details to herself, instead of sharing like a good sister would. 

Celestia only offered her a sheepish smile in return before turning her attention back to the hooman. "I'll send Twilight a letter in the morning, to see if there were any problems with the mirror." 

The hooman stirred slightly, but didn't wake. She must've been a great warrior, the blade Luna had found next to her unconscious body was unlike she had ever seen. The sword along with the crystals she found were locked in a chest in her room, for safekeeping of course. 

"I shall ensure that she sleeps well." Luna declared confidently. Judging by the hoomans movements, she was having a nightmare. Celestia nodded as she stood back up to her full height, towering Luna by a head or so. 

"I'll see you in the morning Lulu." Tia yawned as she slipped away. She would need her sleep dealing with the Day court, which would no doubt be full of ponies complaining about noise at night. 

Luna was no longer paying attention to her sister, instead lighting up her horn with her magical yellow aura as she channeled a familiar spell. 

It was time to scare away the nightmares. 


"Mmm…" Weiss groaned softly as she slowly forced herself onto her knees from her prone position. She winced as she felt a pang of pain surge through her body, coming from her torso up to her arms which ached from her aura exhaustion. "Where am I?" 

Her sapphire blue eyes widened. Haven! Ambush! Bandits! Fall Maiden! 

She heard footsteps coming in her direction. Weiss looked up just in time to receive a kick in the face sending her sprawling on the floor. 

"How pathetic." A cruel voice said. Weiss pushed past the pain and stood back up on her feet. Vernal, the Fall Maiden stood just a few feet away from her, with Myrtenaster on the ground beside her. "I thought you said you were more than just a name." 

Weiss raised her hands into a boxing position, the way she had seen Yang practice back at Beacon. She wasn't the best at hand-to-hand, but she was certainly better than Ruby who was useless without Crescent Rose. 

"I am." Weiss said, gritting her teeth, the pain was unbearable. Where was everyone?! This didn't look like Haven or like that bandit camp! Everything was dark, with no real features to speak off around them. 

"Then why are you so weak?" Vernal kicked Myrtenaster in Weiss' direction. "Pick it up." 

Weiss hesitated, glancing between her beloved sword and the Fall Maiden. Was this some kind of trick? Was she trying to take Weiss off guard the moment she grabbed Myrtenaster? 

"I said pick it up." Vernal growled. "Pick it up and die!" 

If Weiss was going to die, then she'd rather die fighting than as a coward. Using the point of her heels, Weiss kicked Myrtenaster straight up into the air, and caught it with her left hand. The moment the tips of Weiss' fingers touch Myrtenaster's cool metal, Vernal was upon her. 

Weiss was a second too late, she was tired and in pain. Vernal's crescent blade sliced her cheek, while the other buried itself into Weiss' shoulder. Screaming, Weiss felt her body shake.

This was it…

She failed her friends, she failed her team. 

Her breath got caught up in her throat as Vernal pulled her crescent shaped blade out of Weiss shoulder. The former heiress fell to her knees, and would have fallen on her back had the bandit not grabbed her other shoulder. 

"And now, you'll die, a disappointment." The Criminal held their other blade in the air. 

"Ruby…I'm sorry." Weiss' whisper was barely audible, but she refused to close her eyes. Even if her body refused to obey her, Weiss would fight to the bitter end. 

Vernal's crescent blade came swinging. 

"Begone!" An unfamiliar voice shouted, causing Vernal to disintegrate just before her blade pierced Weiss' skin. 

Something soft caught Weiss as she fell forward, her eyes finally starting to close. 

"Rest now. I'll make sure they won't return." The mysterious voice said. Struggling to stay awake, there was little Weiss could do. The voice, it sounded kind, and made her feel safe for some reason. 

And with a strange warmth enveloping her body, Weiss finally went to sleep. 


It took over a year but I finally updated! Weiss just seems like the perfect fit for MLP EAW, plus she can sing along with everyone. 

The Fimfiction version will have some differences due to the music restrictions, but I'll ensure that the story remains enjoyable for everyone. 

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