Messing with the past

Start from the beginning

After helping his siblings get ready he heard his phone buzzed and saw it was from Aunt Twilight. Ever since he was young he grew close to his Aunt Twilight. 'Blaze meet me at the outskirts of the city I got something to show you. One of my latest inventions.' He read before responding with an okay. "What are you looking at Blaze?" Jesse asked. "Nothing let's get you tucked in," Blaze said as he pulled the blanket covering his brother before giving him his tortoise plushie. "Don't forget about tank," Blaze said
and saw his sister was already tucked in. "There goodnight Jesse." He said standing up and heading toward the door.

"Blaze?" He asked his older brother. "Yeah?" He responded. "Are moms doing okay? They always seem tired and sad. Is it because of us?" Jesse asked. "Wh-no oh no Jesse it's not because of us it's just they're always busy working trying to make sure we're happy and have a good future," Blaze said reassuring his brother. "Does it have to do with something when they were young?" He asked causing Blaze to shrug. "Maybe who knows but get some rest okay," Blaze said turning off the lights and shutting the door before walking down the hall and heading to his room but heard something that caught his attention from his mom's room.

"I don't know how we're going to manage to pay off the next bills, the farms not doing so good," Applejack said, stressed, as Dash comforted her nearby. "We'll find a way, don't worry," Rainbow said, trying to reassure her wife. "Maybe it's about time I sell the far-," Applejack was going to say, but Rainbow Dash cut her off. "No, you're not Aj. You've put your whole heart and soul into maintaining the farm after Granny Smith passed away. I'll just get more hours at the gym, or I'll get another job," Rainbow said. "Still, I just don't like having the kids live like this.

Blaze is having to be the third adult to Jesse and Autumn, and they never get to have anything nice," Applejack said. "I get it but you know maybe it's time you ask for help?" Rainbow said as Applejack glared at her. "You know I don't like asking for help when it comes to the farm," Aj said exhausted. "Still you should...we'll talk about this tomorrow, okay? Right now, let's get some sleep," Rainbow said, as Blaze heard everything before seeing the light of his mom's room turn off.

He sighed before making his way downstairs and cleaning the dishes before realizing he had to meet Aunt Twilight. He quietly left the house and started heading to the outskirts of the city to meet up with Aunt Twilight. As he walked he saw a car in the distance as well as a woman standing nearby having her hair in a messy bun, wearing a light blue blouse with brown skirt and a labcoat over it. "Hey, Aunt Twilight," Blaze said hugging his aunt.

"Hey, kiddo it's good to see you," Twilight said returning the hug before pulling away. "So what's the new invention you've created?" He asked excitedly.
Twilight pulled something out of her lab coat pocket and showed her nephew a sleek and elegant, with intricate engravings adorning its polished silver surface pocket watch. "Uh, Aunt Twilight that's just an ordinary pocket watch," Blaze said unimpressed. She smirked "Or is it?" She said before opening it reaveling something different that looked completely different from the outside.

Instead of a traditional clock face, a high-tech screen illuminates, the labeled month, day, and year allowing precise temporal navigation. While the rear cover 
displayed a keypad with three arrows. for inputting the desired date and for other things. "Wh- this is incredible is this what I think it is?" He asked as Twilight nodded. "Yup, it's a time travel device." She said proudly. "How'd you make it?" He asked intrigued.

"Simple really I had found this strange crystal and turns out it's a Quantum Core Crystal which has the power to manipulate time. Then with the help of making microscopic temporal stabilizers to ensure a smooth transition through time, preventing unwanted side effects and creating a retro-spatial locator a feature enabling the person using it to pinpoint their location in time, helping them navigate the temporal landscape." Twilight said lightly placing the device on Blaze's hand.

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