Chapter Thirteen

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PRESENT-DAY, Later that evening, Chance's house...

Tongues swirling.

Bodies coming together as one.

Passions flying.

Inhibitions shattering.

Two hours of lovemaking plus an additional hour of skinny-dipping and poolside passions later, Chance and I were back in his bedroom and in his bed as our bodies hummed with sensual bliss. His arms intertwined around my waist as he spooned me. "Tell me, Kiah, was today good for you as it was for me?" he asked as we took in the setting sun that shone through the windows. "I've been waiting for this moment right here and I bet that you did too."

"Oh, yeah," I hummed, my mind still lost in partial subspace as I yearned for more of his wicked tongue and powerful cock. "Oh, yeah."

For two virgins, it felt like we had plenty of experience of lovemaking- the way we went down on each other and tasted each other's essences, jerked each other off, him rimming me over and over again. And the actual sex?


The positions that we did would have been forbidden back on Earth and would make the school principal blush as red as her hair.

Chance chuckled as he unwrapped his arms around my chest before turning me over and giving me a back massage, his erection teasing my tight ass cheeks. "It's not that bad, wasn't it?" he asked me. "We're both virgins, but I watched some gay porn in the past and had some gay magazines that I had to hide from Dad."

I hummed softly. "Well, I was a true virgin in every sense of the word but had some feelings for you that had to be kept hidden with my family and all," I replied. "That, and I knew that Principal Mallory would make sure that I had a girlfriend who would be allowed to be promiscuous while I remained untouched. I had to put my needs aside to focus on the expectations from everyone. But even if I did everything that I asked, it seemed like they would just raise the bar even higher and demean my existence for being who I was. Even if I gave them the world, it wouldn't be enough for them. In a way, I was only caught in the rat race only to lose over and over again."

"I can't truly imagine how you're feeling, Kiah, but know that I want to make sure that our lives here in the Nexus are going to be full of life and adventures," Chance replied softly. "Your family missed out on raising you because they valued popularity and status  while mine valued chaos, crime, and toxic masculinity. We're both the proverbial cheese that stands alone in a sea of conformists and extremists. And though our stories are different with everyone else's here in the Nexus, you can bet that they too wished for something more stable for their lives in the pasts. We all have our burdens to bear, bridges to cross that are forbidden until we could understand ourselves better, and even regrets that we never got over. All we can do is make the most of what can be here in the Nexus while wishing our loved ones the best in their new timelines without us in them."

"And what about us?" I asked, letting him continue the massage.

"Right now, you and I can make the most of this moment- being in my bed and lost in the whirlwind of bliss. I want us to appreciate everything that we can enjoy about each other because while time is timeless, nothing is ever guaranteed. You and I had to be mysterious with each other for the longest. But today and maybe in the future...I don't want to be mysterious with you. And deep down, maybe you don't want to be mysterious or guarded when it comes to me. Just let go of the fears of the judgmental minds from the past and embrace the possibilities of the now. Let go, Hezekiah Chamblee. Let go and let yourself free from the pain."

I felt a tear fall from my eyes as I soon faced Chance's handsome face as he climbed on top of me. "You make it all sound so easy," I said.

"It's not, believe you me," Chance replied as he wiped the tear stain from my face. "There's still some challenges here in the Nexus and we have to continue to know more about ourselves as we stay here. But it's that small spark of faith that can spread into a wildfire of wonders and glory if we find it within ourselves. Take it slow and learn to be yourself. That's all you can do, Kiah."

I nodded. "I can do that," I commented.

"If it helps, there's some therapists who end up here and offer their services to newcomers. There's some seraphs around as well who lend their ears to anyone who needs to vent. Maybe it's best for you to talk to someone other than myself."

I thought for a moment. "Why not?" I said. "If my time here in the Nexus is going to lead to something productive and fruitful, I might as well seek guidance with someone who can help me show the way to the door for my future."

"Attaboy," Chance cheered as he reached for some condoms, handing one to me before we sheathed ourselves. "I think that you deserve a reward for wanting to take the first step. And I can be...very generous."

I positioned myself for him to enter inside me. "Then reward me," I teased seductively.

"With pleasure."

Readers, I dare not tell you what we did for the rest of the evening. But make it known that we never left the bed. And I didn't go home that night at all.


Meanwhile, in the Void...

"Oh, my," Louis breathed as he and Lucifer watched the sensual scene between the two young lovers from the gatekeeper's computer. "I never expected those two to...well, let loose and get wicked."

The lord of the underworld laughed, noticing Louis' red and mortified face. "They're in the Nexus, Louis," he said, wiping a tear from his eyes. "And they're destined soulmates, so they're entitled to finally let loose and take a walk on the wild side."

"I just wished that I hadn't seen that. Your brother won't be happy to hear that you've been peeking around to be a voyeur," Louis commented crisply as he went back to his computer and cleared the screen away. "But it might be of his comfort to know that those two will be quite an item in the days to come."

"We'll still need to deal with Miss Slade, the Brazilian girl who's a bit too shifty for anyone's tastes. Abaddon has let me known of her past dealings and actions and my brother thinks I should've put her in my realm in the first place. In retrospect, I'm inclined to agree."

"How's that?"

A shadow crossed Lucifer's handsome face. "Something tells me that the girl's going to cause a lot of trouble and be a demon in the Nexus," he replied icily. "And if that's the case, we might need to take action earlier than planned."

"Then do what must be done and let your brother know as soon as possible. If your hunches are correct, then we can't waste any time."

Cumulative word count so far: 14,013 words.

It's not going to be all fun, games, and good times, gentle readers. This story can't be without some form of drama and when it comes to one Catalina Slade, you already know that there's going to be some tea and shade going down!

Coming up next, it's a therapy session with a seraph and an ominous letter with dark intentions! The plot thickens and it's going to be thicker than witches' brews! It's going down!

Song: "Breathe (2 AM)" by Anna Nalick. Dedication: zoe_grimm.


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