The Next Day Pt.2

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We were just laying down, cuddling when there was a knock on the door. Jungkook walked in and closed the door behind him. He gave us a grin which we returned. He walked over and sat on the ege of the bed.

"We have the day off today so wanna go shopping?" Jungkook suggested.

"Sure. I'm up for it." I said.

"If y/n is going, so am I." Jin said.

"Eww gross." Jungkook said, teasing us.

"Wait until you find someone." I tell him.

"No never." he said, laughing.

I rolled my eyes before sitting up and stretching. Jungkook tells me to hop in the shower and that he'll get my clothes. Nodding, I thanked him. I gave Jin a peck on the lips and Jungkook a kiss on his cheek. I walked into the bathroom. I missed the look they shared. As I take a shower, Jin and Jungkook had a conversation. Just as I turned off the water, Jungkook walked in with a towel and clothes. He asked me about me and Jin. I answered them honestly. 

"So what are you two?" he asked.

"Honestly, right now I don't know. I do like him but I want to take it really slow until I'm over Hobi and Namjoon." I replied.

"That's fair. He told me that he really likes you but he doesn't want to rush or push you. He wants to take his time with you." he said.

"I know. He really is a good guy." I said, smiling.

"And a good fuck for what I heard." he tells me.

"You little weirdo." I said, laughing.

He laughed as I shoved him. He left the bathroom so I could change. I quickly got myself ready. Jin was waiting for me. I smiled at him which he returned. He gave me a quick kiss. We made our way towards the kitchen and talked about different things. The boys were already eating. Taehyung and Jimin pulled me into a conversation while Jin talked to Yoongi. I had quite the appetite so I served myself some more food.

"You're quite hungry, noona." Tae mentioned.

"I am. I woke up with really hungry today." I tell him. 

"You'll become more hungry later tonight." Jin mumbled against my ear.

I grinned and shoved him lightly. He laughed at that. Once we finished, we grabbed our things before walking out. Jin and Jungkook stayed by my side as we went to our location. When we arrived, I became excited. Jin and Jungkook looked at me with a grin. I followed them to the different stores. I wanted to go buy some books so I told the guys this. Namjoon wanted to do the same. Jin hands me his black card and tells me to get whatever I wanted.

"Are you sure? I'm ok with just  getting one book." I tell him.

"Yes I'm sure." he tells me with a grin.

"Thank you then." I replied.

"Besides, I want to spoil you. In anyway that I can." he whispered in my ear.

Blushing, I hugged him tightly as a thank you. He hugged me back and placed a kiss on top of my head. Me and Namjoon walked into the bookstore. Looking through the shelves, I managed to get 8 books. I paid for them. Namjoon joined me shortly. We talked about the books we got. We joined the guys. I hand Jin his card back. Once he puts it away, he takes my bag from me. The boys went to different stores. Jin took me to some and got me some other things. 

"Can we go eat?" I asked the guys.

"I'm getting hungry too." Jimin said.

Jin and Taehyung joined us. We all agreed on chicken so we went. While me and Taehyung got the table, Jin and Jimin went and got the food. Taehyung kept on making me laugh. Taehyung and Jimin kept asking me about what happened with me, Hobi and Namjoon. I answered them honestly. Then they asked about me and Jin. We both answered them honestly.

"You'll have cute babies." Taehyung said.

"We don't even know if we'll end up together." Jin tells Taehyung.

"So?" he asked, laughing.

"But we will have cute babies though. Want to keep on trying." I said grinning at him.

"Every single day." Jin replied.

He winked at me. I grinned. They started teasing me. Blushing, I covered my face. Jin leaned over and pulled my hands away before giving me a kiss. I returned the kiss. After we finished eating, we got some ice cream. The four of us continued shopping for a bit before the rest of the guys joined us. Looking around I didn't noticed that the guys kept on taking pictures of me and Jin. Finally we decided to back to the dorm. When we got home, I went to the living room with Jin, Namjoon, Hobi and Taehyung. Taehyung laid down and rested his head on my lap. We talked about random things. 

Unfortunately (Namjoon, J-hope and reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora