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A few meters away from the tree house....

Jimin scrunched his nose when the first ray of sunshine broke through the small window in his hut. With a whine he patted beside him to get some warmth only to frown feeling an empty straw bed.

Was he the late one again? Probably yes. Jimin was a sleepy head and his hyungs knew that fact too. So they didn't bother to wake up their baby brother today too.

Jimin got up from the bed with a groan and adjusted his messy bed hair. It had a few yellow straws sticking here and there.

Opening the bamboo door he was met with his lovely pack ground. A few people scattered here and there. Feeling a bit hungry, he walked towards the water pitcher  and washed his face and mouth before chewing on a cinnamon stick. Their natural toothpaste.

He walked towards the other hut were his parents lived which was a few inches away from theirs. As expected Jin and Yoongi were inside helping their mother make breakfast.

Fresh smell of rice cakes and kimchi filled the hut and Jimins mouth watered within no time.

“You could have wake me up hyungs.” Jimin said bringing a few mud pots filled with their breakfast to the hall of the hut along with his hyungs.

“You slept late sewing clothes Jimin. We thought you can take a bit more sleep.”  Yoongi said.

“Eat all of you. Your Appa have to go to the packground soon.” Jihyun said taking a seat beside her mate on the floor.

As ChangWook was the alpha of the pack, he had hefty amount of responsibilities. Especially guarding the packground of Invaders from the outside world.

“Minnie, go take a bath after eating.” Jimin nodded his head while eating rice cakes and meat.

Jimin smiled looking at the kids playing with their wooden dolls while he walked towards the Omega river. They might be playing house. Jimin have played it with his hyungs when he was small too. They would make small make shift huts with twigs and old clothes. (I have played that too) It was so much fun.

“Jimin... Good morning!!”

“Jimin... You are getting more pretty day by day dear.” Jimin heard their pack members greeting him just like everyday. He smiled at a few and bowed at the elders who passed by.

Jimin was like the main character in a book of the jungle. He was beautiful and well mannered kid who was loved by everyone.

Jimin was suddenly hugged by his best friend Jihoon coming from out of nowhere. “I knew you would be late today for the bath so I didn't took mine too. Thought we could go together.” Jimin smiled hearing his friend. That is why Jihoon is his bestfriend.

Now that Jimin was looking, Jihoon had a bundle of clothes in his hand just like him.

“Jimin, do you think we will find our mates this year?” Jimin sighed.

“I don't know. But I just want my hyungs to be mated before me.”  Jimin looked sad. It's understandable since SeokJin and Yoongi were elder than him. It would be very saddening to watch Jimin the youngest get mated before the oldest.

“They would also find their mates soon Minnie. Don't be sad.”

Jihoon and Jimin sat near the bank of the small river that was bounded by thick bushes. It was made by ChangWook for his Omega sons, so that they can bath without any intruders . And Jimin sometimes takes Jihoon with him for such baths.

They dived into the water after discarding their clothes. They giggled and played in the water for sometimes.

Jimin took the bathing oil from the bundle before applying it on his body. His Appa made it from the scratch for his sons and mate so that they feel clean after every bath. He was a thoughtful father. Among their pack members, ChangWook and a very few have ever only went outside the forest. The pack alpha have brought recipes from outside for many things so that they can use it here. One  among them was this oil.

“Did you have your heat Jimin? mine is in few days, so I am preparing for it.” It was one of their Omega talks. Talking about heat cycles were common among the omegas.

“Yes it was in the beginning of this month. Appa have brought a cal... Cal...  What was it? Yes!!! Calendar from the city. So hyungs and I could track our heats.” 

“You are lucky to have a father that embraces the fact that you are an Omega. Mine doesn't even look at my way sometimes. He only likes his alpha sons. I am pretty sure, he is waiting for my mating so that he doesn't have to see me so often.” Even if the Omega said it with a smile, Jimin knew the pain behind it. He was  so thankful to the moon goddess for giving him a father like ChangWook. Many of their pack members were not so fond of omegas. But ChangWook have strictly ordered them to treat everyone as equal.

“Even if your father doesn't consider you. I am sure that your alpha will treat you like a princess.” Both Jihoon and Jimin giggled getting dressed.

“I also asked my Appa for a silver anklet like yours Jimin.” Jihoon said looking at the thin silver anklet that had dangling stars on Jimins right leg. All of changWooks son had a single anklet like this on their legs. Pack members envied them for all the fortunes, ChangWook was providing them.

“What did he tell then?”

“You are not pack alphas son. And don't forget your place.” Jimin thought for a while. He started removing his anklet and Jihoon stood confused.

“Here take this.”

“No! no! Jimin what are you doing? That's yours.” Jihoon freaked out pushing Jimins hands gently.

“Take it Ji... I insist. I have one more back in the hut.” Jimin said gently.

“But it only have a few stars on them. This one is more beautiful than that.” Jihoon said holding the piece of accessory as delicate as possible.

“Its still pretty. Please take it as a gift from me.”  Jimin helped Jihoon wear the anklet. The smaller was pleased to see the happiness on his best friends face after wearing it.
And soon they walked back from the river towards the packground.

“Alpha, I just wanted to ask you something.” ChangWook and few other alphas were walking around the pack boundary looking for any potential threats. So far they haven't found anything.

“What is it Sungho?”

“My son have a wish. He says he wants to get mated with Yoongi. Why don't we consider it since Yoongi had a misfortune? I don't mind what the people in our pack says about him being bad luck. Yoongi is a well mannered omega.” The alpha sounded honest but ChangWook was not convinced. It's a matter of his son that he can't just decide against an impulse. All of his sons are precious to him.

“It's so considerate of you to say that Sungho but. Did Junsoo found his mate yet?” His sons were pretty omegas so it was natural for the alphas to want to mate with them.

“Not yet.” ChangWook simply nodded his head.

“So what if he finds his mate after getting married with my son? Look Sungho, you also knows that how strong is a mate bond. My son would just be a mistress if Sungho finds his mate after marriage. I dont want that for my son.” Sungho had nothing to say back. It was true. His son is just drawn to Yoongi's beauty. Once he also finds his mate, he wouldn't want that beauty anymore but his mate.

“I am sorry alpha. I never thought about it.”

“Its alright. I am sure moon goddess have planned everything good for my son's. They are precious.” ChangWook said with a sigh.

Yes moon goddess have planned much more than this forest for them....

To be continued...

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