Servant Class Foreigner, Zaegar is the master?

Start from the beginning

Then again, if there was an afterlife, that would give this stupid girl the satisfaction of knowing he had obeyed her. Not like he couldn't destroy the afterlife, but that was too much work right now.

It was destroying the world or leaving it out of pure pettiness and spite. Yeah, that was a no-brainer.

Emi: Hey! Hey! Hey! How are you going to do it? Rip my dress apart and ram it straight into me like a savage beast of lust that you are? Are you going to torture me first? Rough? Gentle? Should I undress? Should I? Should I? Hey, tell me what you'll do? Why do I know nothing about you? Why can't I figure you out? Tell me. Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me-

Was she still being an idiot ranting nonsense? Fuck, that was a pretty deranged smile on her face. He's going to deal with one of THOSE today. Lovely. why could Yhwach just take his place right here right now?

He might as well get comfortable. This madness mantra of hers looked like it wasn't stopping anytime soon.

5 hours later

Emi: Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me~!

She stopped. The crazed smile on her face gave way to confusion.

Her Servant lounged on a comfortable chaise-longue he had conjured from thin air, accompanied by a simple lamp that cast a soft glow over him as he leisurely read a magazine. With a pencil held delicately between his claws, he furrowed his brow in concentration at a crossword puzzle that seemed to be giving him trouble.

Zaegar: Six down is proving to be a real pain. The clue is 'a thoroughly stupid person'. How about... ah, nitwit? Hmm... Yo, girl, what was your name again? No need, E-M-I. Hey, that's it! Six down! Crossword completed!

Emi twitched slightly, taken aback by his sudden enthusiasm over a mere crossword puzzle. And just as quickly as they had appeared, the chaise-longue and lamp vanished into thin air.

Zaegar: Hmm. Now, I need good old Ophis.

A voice emanated from the depths of Yhwach's dark cape.

Ophis: Took you long enough. Annoying creature.

Zaegar: Fuck you, I was summoned out of nowhere.

Emi's confusion deepened as she tried to comprehend the feminine voice that wasn't hers. She and her Servant were the only living beings in that cave, so who could possibly own the third voice?

Zaegar: We're dealing with one of THOSE today, by the way.

Ophis: Ah, just another day in the neighborhood.

Emi struggled to make sense of the situation as Zaegar, with his usual flair, effortlessly donned his fashionable attire, standing tall and confident before her.

Ophis: Ha-ha, very amusing. Now, catch me up on what's been happening.

Zaegar: Well, we arrived, and she was all primed and ready, going on about how I'm this Angry Matthews guy destined to obliterate the world. Naturally, I thought, "Why not shake things up a bit?"

Ophis: And you didn't indulge her little fantasy.

Zaegar: Of course not. I played along, threw in a comment about her being adorable, and suddenly she's accusing me of harassment. Then she spiraled into this manic monologue, and I casually solved a crossword puzzle.

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