Portal Brothers [Dylan + Bryan Divil]

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- They aren't too aware of it, but because of both their connections to the portal, they always know where the other is, and know what kind of mental space the other is in. They both brush it off as brother intuition, but will send each other a "u ok?" text every time either of them feel off.

- Bryan genuinely immediately assumed Pluto and Dylan were dating when he met Pluto at the daycare party, and was so confused when he heard about Sammy. Adrien tries to tell Bryan all the updates at Candy's including Dylan and his love life, and literally started a bet with Adrien on whether Pluto and Dylan would get together. Dylan had no idea about this bet until Adrien had to explain where their entire paycheck went

- Both of their love languages are a mix of acts of service and gift giving, and because of this, they rarely say they love each other verbally. This isn't because they don't or they don't want to tell each other it out loud, it's bc both of them have a mutual understanding that the way they show they care is through actions rather than words. In other words, they already know the other loves them.

- As kids, Dylan would always mimic Bryan's actions, whether it was how he walks, his stims, how Bryan does his hair, his mannerisms- Some of these still carry over into adulthood, tho Dylan doesn't remember it and just believes he just has a weird way of doing stuff

- Bryan did mess with Dylan a lot when they were younger, and sometimes would tell Dylan fake fun facts just to see if he believed him. Eventually Matthew found out and forced Bryan to apologize, only for Dylan to admit he didn't exactly believe any of them fully, but just pretended he did bc he just wanted Bryan to think he was messing with him

- Bryan is another one of the only people Dylan can touch and feel, like how he could with Shadow Bonnie. Oftentimes because of this, when they are around each other, or out and about, Dylan unconsciously holds Bryan's arm the entire time

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