Post-Possession Vanny the Rabbit/Valerie

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- Valerie has seizures that cause her to be unable to move or see for a few minutes. At first it just looks like she's spacing out, but to people who know her, they're able to tell what's going on and will help her through it

- Matthew's old dog Pepper was also a service dog and when Matthew died, Valerie still kept Pepper for a month . He ended up helping her with panic attacks, dissociating, seizures, and PTSD. They were originally training Pepper to be Dylan's service dog (for anxiety and emotional support), but the family friend who took Dylan couldn't take care of Pepper, so they gave her up.

- Valerie has a short and chubby body type.

- Due to Vanny being mostly a plushie, she is incredibly delicate and is not very strong. The only reason she was even able to knock Steve was because he was distracted, and even then due to some faulty wiring, she almost missed.

- Another reason Davis immediately wanted to get Vanny out of the Bash was not only bc he thought Mia and Charlie might set her on fire again, but also because when he was fixing her up, she turned and started moving before he even had finished putting all her wiring in. It spooked the hell out of him, and he ended up immediately calling Pat afterwards asking if she wanted Vanny.

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