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- After Florence disappeared, Brian was so distressed and worried they were not able to keep up dying their hair, so now the color is mostly faded and is just at the tips

- Brian loves hoop earrings

- She is a pescatarian, and does not eat any animal products besides fish.

- He used to have a phobia of heights, but overcame it after getting a studio apartment with a beautiful balcony. They used to live with a roommate, but Florence ended up convincing them that them having a roommate was cheating, causing Brian to accidentally ruin her relationship with the roommate and kick them out. Brian still regrets it and is currently trying to fix the friendship now that he's realized that Florence was trying to isolate them.

- He loves wearing skinny jeans and fancy pants, and is not a dress girl.

- They are a nail tech, and works at a professional nail salon. Florence and her actually met when Florence came in daily to get their nails done, and always requested for her. At one point, Brian actually made the first move and asked them for their number.

- They have an underlying anxious attachment style and secret abandonment issues. Florence took advantage of this a lot and would be purposely distant towards them so they could run back to them worried about them, asking them if they did something wrong. When Florence died, Brian tried to again reach out again, only for Florence to never get back to her, making Brian feel like shit and believe she was a bad partner and Florence was upset at her.

- She loves platform heels and can easily run in them.

- They used to do color guard in highschool.

- His favorite food is steamed lobster.

- They have very sensitive eyes, and always wears sunglasses outside and in brightly lit areas.

FNAFverse Headcanons [Book 2]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora