AI-Afton Returns AU [Revamped]

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- AI was copied to a backup drive by himself right before he got taken by Springtrap and then it was hidden in that one box where the portal timer was. Bryan ended up finding it when he visited the pizzeria again for the first time in S2.

- Bryan had Helpy check the files, and since, once again, Helpy in my headcanon just eats drives to tell what's on them, Helpy eats the drive and immediately starts hearing AI in her head. AI is stuck in Helpy's head for like a week until Bryan can get him out which leads to lots of shenanigans.

- When AI gets a new body, AI himself gets uncomfortable of even calling himself Afton or AI-Afton, and chooses the name Digit.

- Digit and Molten have a VERY slow development since Digit doesn't remember his death but knows Molten was partially responsible.

- Digit gets pretty protective over Bryan, Ballora, and Baby, and when Baby gets kidnapped, he literally starts obsessing over getting her back and protecting Ballora because of how scared he is, to the point where he starts neglecting himself.

- Digit makes weapons for Bryan from time to time to test out only for the tests to keep going horrendously wrong. Bryan does have a few working guns that Digit did successfully make though.

- Digit is an absolute wreck when Bryan dies.

- While Digit does encourage Bryan to go to therapy and even talks him through possibly quitting, he was very against straight up forcing Bryan into therapy and kept telling off Freddy and Bonnie for doing it.

- Him and Freddy never exactly get over their differences until S3 and are still constantly at each other's throats for a good while.

- Digit and Lolbit became pretty good friends through Ballora and vibe a lot.

- In early S3, Digit is constantly checking over everything in the park. Checking over rides, fixing any old arcade machines, getting any paperwork ready for new shipments they would need- Literally anything to keep himself busy and distracted from Bryan's death. Baby tags along with him a lot and practically never leaves his side unless he knows she's with her mom or Molten.

- Digit only actually forgives Molten in S3 when he sees how much Molten has actually grown as a person, and starts to respect him.

- Digit and Stevie get along pretty well especially when Digit learns they're Bryan. Digit ended up trying to help a lot during the time they were using the portal to bring Bryan back, but Molten kept shoving him away because he didn't want Digit to be responsible if they ended up messing it up.

- Digit and Pat were petty towards each other at first and Digit purposely tried to scare Pat when she visited the park, but Pat learns really quickly that it's just in good fun and Digit has no ill will towards her. Pat even ends up inviting Digit to the mall a few times to check on Stevie, and Digit even teaches Pat some mechanics stuff, just like how he taught Bryan.

- He was very uncomfortable around Glitchtrap when they first met, and kept constantly telling Bryan to get rid of him. Bryan didn't listen and Digit partially blames himself for not being more direct.

- When Bryan came back, he wasn't exactly medically in perfect shape, so Digit walked him through physical therapy to help him out.

- Digit physically can't be around Glamrock Helpy due to being so close with OG Helpy, and even after he got used to them being around, he sometimes would accidentally forget that this was new Helpy and not the old one.

- He had a mental breakdown when he realized Afton was back and possessing Freddy, and when he found out where he was, Molten and Ballora had to hold him back to stop him from dismantling him.

- Moon and him HATED each other, and Moon constantly would compare Digit to Afton to the point where Digit almost believed him.

- Him and Ballora both shut off at one point together because they had gotten too stressed of their situations and both just wanted to forget their problems for a bit. Ballora woke up first in S4, and Digit woke up a bit after in late S4, only to find that everything had changed from how he left it.

- Bryan and the animatronics (besides Ballora) kinda hid what was going on from Digit for a bit when he woke up, and refused to tell him what had changed, namely that Bryan was being an ass. This was because everyone had been worried about Digit and kept walking on eggshells, worrying that if they said the wrong thing, he'd shut down again.

- He never liked Vendi and spams his email sometimes to fuck with him.

- Him and Vanny aren't on the best terms, but he keeps trying to reach out and apologize for real Afton's actions since he remembers what happened. Valerie doesn't want to hear it though and wants actual closure rather than what Digit tries to give her.

- Bryan keeps trying to revamp Digit's design in S4 but after Digit realized that Bryan was being an ass to everyone, he refuses each time.

- In S2, Glitchtrap hacked his shit sometimes to fuck with him. Digit absolutely hated it and just immediately destroyed whatever Glitchtrap hacked to make sure he doesn't attach himself to the tech. This made Digit have to restart projects a lot because he didn't set up the right precautions on the code.

- Everyone always tells them and Ballora to get a room since they flirt constantly.

- He absolutely was dragged into that fashion show in S2, and even dressed up in a cute androgynous suit that Ballora found and fitted for him.

- Lefty confided in him a lot and even would warn him when he noticed that somebody was missing.

- He was completely heartbroken when he heard about how Puppet was caught by the Twisteds, and wrongfully blamed Molten at first for not stopping them.

- He was never a performance animatronic and was just at the park to help with repairs and maintenance. He also helped train the new employees, though most of them assumed he was just a guy in a costume at first.

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