Mistletoe Duo [Pat + Stevie]

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[Requested by Doodles_Shadow]


- Despite Pat trying her best to relax more when Stevie wasn't exactly her problem bc Molten had them at the park, Pat could not sleep for the entire time Stevie was gone.

- Pat gets very anxious when Bryan or Molten or any other mechanic do repairs on Steve and will constantly hover and nitpick when another mechanic has to work on Stevie. Doesn't matter if the person very much knows what they're doing or if they are an even better mechanic than Pat is, Pat will get worried and will constantly tell them to be careful.

- Pat can be a bit of a helicopter parent at times to Stevie, but she still tries her best not to.

- Black cat + Golden retriever

- Pat has a bunch of games on her phone that she never uses, but she got just for Stevie. Considering Pat rarely uses her phone, she doesn't even care about Stevie taking up space on it. At the end of each month tho, Pat and Stevie do have a conversation on deleting at least one game. Stevie gets very emotional each time.

- Stevie makes Pat little bracelets and jewelry. Pat pretends they're stupid but never takes them off.

- Pat often will fall asleep on the job and Stevie will always either accidentally wake her up, or will guard the room she sleeps in to make sure everyone lets her sleep.

- Pat will often let Stevie out on the roof to star gaze since Stevie has a space hyperfixation. Pat even has a star-gazing app on her phone that Stevie downloaded that she lets Stevie use up there.

- No energy + Too much energy

- Stevie interrupts people a lot. Pat hates being interrupted but is very patient when Stevie does it.

- Stevie has pretty bad grammar when he writes and Pat often corrects them.

- Stevie likes spring while Pat likes fall.

- Pat often accidentally trauma dumps to Stevie a lot because Stevie will listen. Stevie gets confused by it and Pat is trying to get better, but due to having such shitty coworkers (besides Adrien), Pat will rant to Stevie about work stuff a lot.

- Pat and Bryan argue a lot over Stevie's wellbeing, especially since Pat is much more protective and involved once Bryan starts being an ass to the animatronics.

- Pat tries to never yell around Stevie bc she knows that Stevie has sensitivity to sound and will often even scold Bryan for raising his voice around them.

- Pat checks on Stevie a million times before opening time, and will do the "wipe away the dirt smudge" trope numerous times, and has tied back Stevie's hair every time to make sure Stevie goes on stage looking her best.

- Moon + Star dynamic

- Pat has a little Garfield keychain on her bag, and Stevie has a little Hello Kitty keychain on a purse Pat got them.

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