Home Alone

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Prompt by BeaAntunes6: how about something about Tyler and Evan home alone?


Tyler laid sprawled out on the bed, scrolling tiktok. There wasn't anything planned for the day and he was just chilling. Brock and Brian had said they were going to go visit Anthony for a bit, and Jon wasn't flying back home from North Carolina until later that night.

So it was just him and Evan in the house, which so far had been pretty quiet. Tyler knew Evan had been working on some things with his team and had been closed up in his office for almost 3 hours now. Tyler had an alarm set on his phone to let him know when to get Evan and make sure he ate and took a break.

Speaking of, his alarm went off about 10 minutes later. He turned it off and stretched his back, yawning a bit. He wanted to do something, but what?

He headed down to Evan's office, knocking twice. He waited a moment, but didn't hear anything so he knocked again and headed inside.

Evan was still at his desk, headphones on as he went over the edits for his newest video. He didn't react to Tyler walking in, focused on his screen.

Tyler picked up a pencil and tossed it onto the desk, Evan jumping slightly before looking over. "Oh, hey Ty," he said as he sat up properly in his chair.

"Come on, break time. Come make some lunch with me," Tyler said cheerfully, pulling Evan's headphones off his head and grabbing his hands.

Evan rolled his eyes but didn't fight, an exasperated smile on his face. "I haven't been in here that long, have I?" He asked and Tyler chuckled. "Three hours, long enough. Come spend time with me," he said and Evan grinned.

"Gladly. What are we making to eat?" He asked as he twined his fingers into Tyler's and followed him to the kitchen.

"Not sure, nothing too heavy since I think we were planning on a big dinner with Jon coming home tonight. What you in the mood for?" He asked and Evan hummed.

"Want to go get something to eat? We can go sit somewhere or bring it home and watch a movie," he said curiously and Tyler nodded. "That does sound good, a movie," he agreed and Evan smiled up at him.

Tyler chuckled, dipping down to kiss his forehead. They slipped on their shoes, taking Tyler's car to a fast food place before heading home and setting up in the living room.

Evan tucked himself against Tyler once they were done eating, a hand tucked into the tallers jean pocket. It was rare for the two of them to really get much time alone, both focusing on their littles a bit more.

Tyler was definitely enjoying it though, cherishing every moment he had with his fellow dominant. He loved all his boys equally, and did sometimes hate it when he didn't get to be with Evan alone.

Evan dozed off tucked against Tyler's side, Tyler shifting so Evan could lay more comfortably. He set an alarm on his phone for an hour and hugged Evan closer, settling down for a nap.

By time the alarm went off, both were surprisingly well rested. They laid there in the silence for a little while, just absorbing each others warmth.

"Jon should be home in a few hours, what are we making for dinner?" Evan asked finally and Tyler hummed, tilting his head. "How about some stir fry and rice? And I think we have some stuff to make brownies, you know he'd love that," he said and Evan brightened.

"That sounds like so much fun, shall we get started?" Evan asked excitedly and Tyler laughed lightly, leaning down to kiss him before sitting up.

They went into the kitchen and with easy companionship, gathered everything needed for brownies. They'd start dinner about an hour before Jon was due to get back, which would be about the same time Brock and Brian returned home.

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